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BEMM070J Service Innovation and Marketing Portfolio Assignment 2021/22


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BEMM070J Service Innovation and Marketing Portfolio Assignment



A 2,500-word portfolio, in which you will critically evaluate the service delivered to tourists at Exeter Cathedral. This assignment is worth 70% of the total mark for this module.

Your assessment on this module should be regarded as cumulative; in other words, you are expected to work on the three parts of the portfolio throughout the second half of the term and in your timetabled seminars.


The portfolio is a single PDF submission which combines: (1) a worksheet, applying traditional service evaluation techniques, (2) an analysis of customer experience at the cathedral using one of the digital techniques from the course, and (3) a report, making recommendations for improvement.

Part 1 (800 words)

Complete the worksheet on traditional service evaluation. To complete the worksheet, you will be given        access tosix customer experience mapsand the results of acustomer survey. Using this data, the worksheet requires you to carry out customer experience, SERVQUAL and overall customer satisfaction analysis to         critically evaluate the service delivered to tourists at Exeter Cathedral.

Part 2 (850 words)

Carry out a critical analysis of customer experience at the cathedral using one of the digital techniques from the course. You must choose either text analysis of theTripAdvisor dataor analysis of theeye tracking data. When writing up your analysis, include a critical review of you chosen digital technique, using literature to   support your arguments.

Part 3 (850 words)

Write a report as if you are a consultant tasked with advising the Chapter at Exeter Cathedral (the Board of Directors) on the service delivered to tourists, the report should make recommendations for improvement based on your analysis in parts 1 and 2.

It should include a brief overview of the context of Exeter Cathedral as a tourist attraction; this might include basic market and company data (e.g., visitor numbers, financial reports, services offered, mission statement, customer segments and propositions etc.).

When making your recommendations for improvement, consider: (a) the opportunities for improvement    identified in the analysis of data in parts 1 and 2; (b) your understanding of the context of Exeter Cathedral (e.g., strategic aims, financial position, current delivery system); and (c) knowledge of service and customer experience design learnt on the module. Substantiate your points using literature where appropriate.

Notes on presentation :

•    The word limit does not include tables, figures and diagrams, reference list or appendices but does include in-text citations. All word counts may be extended by up to 10% if needed.

•   You must use the APA (7th) style of referencing. The Business School’s Guide to Citing, Referencing and   Avoiding Plagiarism is available on theUEBS Academic Development Resources ELE site(look for the link on the right hand side of this module’s ELE page).


The portfolio should be submitted via eBART by 12:00pm (noon) on Friday 22nd July 2022. This assignment assesses the following ILOs:

•    understand and critique the theories which underpin service operations/marketing

•    use relevant tools and technology to document, measure and analyse the customer experience

•    critically evaluate design options for service delivery

•    work independently to develop research and problem-solving skills

•    present analytical findings in a written format

Marks will be allocated as follows:                                                                                                         % OF MARKS

Marking Criteria

You should refer to the generic mark scheme for Masters Programmes (NQF level 7), which you can review here. As the general marking criteria grid makes clear, to gain the highest grades you need to:

Knowledge and understanding of subject

•    Produce work reflecting an outstanding knowledge and critical awareness of course material on customer experience and service design, and how to apply it to the context of the Cathedral.

•    Evidence an appreciation of the complexity the concepts, the limitations of our knowledge, and the impact this has on our ability to evaluate customer experience and make recommendations.

Cognitive/intellectual skills

•    Show outstanding ability to evaluate methodologies critically

•    Explicitly acknowledge alternative viewpoints (i.e., don’t only present one side of an argument).

•    Consider whether theoretical assumptions are realised in practice (e.g., are relationships between concepts presented in some of the course materials shown to be valid in the context of the            cathedral?)

•   Present excellent and well-evidenced conclusions/recommendations that are a progression of ideas identified in your analysis.

Use of sources

•    Evidence excellent critical engagement with a wide range of sources (e.g., academic literature, journalism, company documents) that reveal good research skills.

•    Ensure that you are using high quality source materials as evidence to back up your ideas (the weekly module materials and reading lists are a good starting point)

•    Demonstrate a consistently accurate use of academic conventions (such as referencing and avoiding plagiarism) – if you use theUEBS Guide to Citing, Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism (APA 7th)you will be fine!

Digital and employability skills

•    Demonstrate excellent writing skills with a well-articulated, persuasive, and confident argument

•   Ensure that you submit exceptionally well-presented work (i.e., check your spelling and grammar for accuracy, use a consistent 11pt font etc).