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Final Test Winter 2022 – MBAC 6231 – Marketing Strategies


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Final Test Winter 2022 – MBAC 6231 – Marketing Strategies

Please answer your questions in a Word file.  Use charts or lists when necessary.  The value of the questions should be reflected in the length of the answers.  

Make sure you use specific company examples when asked.  Most of the questions will require some research so make sure you give yourself enough time to complete them.

You must do two questions in section one and seven questions in section two.  DO NOT DO ALL QUESTIONS!!!!! 

Section 1 – 15 Points Each  - Do TWO questions

1. Do a competitor analysis.  Pick a company that has a number of competitors. Do not use Apple or Nike.  

Give a brief description of the company and identify 4 – 5 competitors.  Put your answer in a table format for the competitor analysis section. See the template below.  What are their strategic objectives, strengths, weaknesses and problems?  What products are they selling? 

As well, attempt to identify the sustainable competitive advantages (SCA) of the competitors.  What is the market outlook for this industry? 

You can use this chart below to complete this question. Fill in the appropriate information in each section.   


Company One

Company Two

Company Three

Company Four

Company Five













Marketing Objectives
























Market Outlook






2. Determining if a market is going to grow is often based on research and paying attention to competitor moves as well as a variety of uncontrollable issues.  Choose a market or submarket on which to focus and identify a current trend in that market. Make sure you introduce your market and give a brief description of its current situation.  Why do you think it is a real trend and not a fad? What are the drivers of the trend’s future growth? What uncertainties might affect your forecast? Can you identify another current trend in the same market that you think is actually a fad? Name some companies in this market. 

3. Choose a market or submarket (pick an industry of your choice) on which to focus and discuss the expected profitability for participants in that market using Porter’s Five Forces Model. Which of the five forces make this a good market to participate in? Which forces make it a bad one? Are there any important aspects of the market that you don’t think the Five Forces Model captures?

Section 2 – 10 Points Each – Do SEVEN Questions

4. What is the value proposition for ONE of the following companies?






What is their product?

Which customers/target market are they going to serve?

What is the primary benefit of the product?

What makes this value proposition unique?

What relative price will provide acceptable value for customers and acceptable profitability for the customer?

What are its points of parity (elements that are considered mandatory for a brand to be considered a legitimate competitor in its specific category such as price, performance, relational) with the market? Points of difference? How is the value proposition reflected in their business model?

5. Describe a plausible decision journey (purchase funnel) for a customer buying a new car/vehicle. List and briefly explain each step. Ie.  Awareness, Interest…If you were buying a new car, which brand would you buy and why? Would you consider an electric vehicle?

6. Why is customer Lifetime Value very important to a company? What important aspect of the customer experience does it focus on creating?  Why is this important in terms of the cost to advertisers?  Calculate what your customer lifetime value would be for product which you buy over a 30-year span.  Simple math…make sure you show your calculations.  

7. Consider the mobile phone service provider you have a relationship with. List all the touchpoints you have with this brand. Which touchpoint(s) should the brand focus on improving? What functional and non-functional benefits could the brand provide with those improvements?

8. Consider a brand of your choosing and propose a brand extension for it. How would you answer the three key questions for evaluating a brand extension? i.e, fit, add value, enhance…Discuss what assets and competencies can be leveraged with this initiative and what synergies, if any, you would hope to achieve.

9. Discuss why either Samsung or TESLA (PICK ONE) has had a strong record of entries into new product markets. What is the defining feature of this company’s strategy? What assets and competencies is it able to leverage for new entries with this strategy?

10. Discuss the three types of customer value and give specific company examples of each.

11. Discuss the three dimensions of brand equity using a specific company. For each one, describe how it provides value to customers and how it provides value to the firm.

12. You have been given the task to evaluate an international market opportunity for a firm. Give specific examples of the dimensions you would use to determine the attractiveness of a given market. You should have at least eight dimensions in your answer and briefly explain them.