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4CCE1KEP: Design – Keys to Engineering Project 2021/22


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4CCE1KEP: Design  Keys to Engineering Project


You  will  be  required  to  undertake  this  alternative  assessment  in  place  of your  deferred  coursework component or as reassessment for your failed coursework attempt.

This alternative assessment for 4CCE1KEP (2021/22 academic year) is designed to replace the outstanding component below.

Coursework 1  individual structured design project

Alternative Assessment:

Design Study of Van Moof electric bike.

Submission requirements:

Your design study should be maximum of 10 pages and contain all images, CAD models and evidence of your prototype and testing . You should use 12pt Calibri (or alternative) sans-serif font with 1.5 line         spacing. The page limit includes figures, all plots should have a title, labelled axis and units.

Coursework is due 4pm, Thursday 4th August 2022. As clarified in the email sent to students in June           (Engineering Assessments Period 3 – August information, 16/06/22), no extensions will be permitted. For those with approved PAA, please follow the separate email sent. Submissions will not be accepted after    the deadline has passed, please ensure that you leave plenty of time to check over and upload your work. If you are unable to submit by this deadline, email [email protected] and apply for mitigation as   soon as possible.

Further information on the submission area and where to submit can be found via  Course: Engineering Coursework Submissions - August 2022 (kcl.ac.uk)

Support for  carrying out this assessment  is available via the forum  using the thread  Resit Queries  Individual Project