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COMPSCI5092 Research Professional Skills M 2019


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Research Professional Skills M


What are the six GDPR principles? Give an example of each principle in relation to the University’s storage of data about students.

(10 marks)


Give a step-by-step description of the Scientific Method. [8] Why is it important that this method be followed rigorously? [2]

(10 marks)


Technology makes it easier for people to work from home, but managers in an organisation do not really know what their employees are doing when they are ‘working from home’ . A location tracking device on employees’ phones would help address this issue.


Argue for or against employees only being allowed to work from home if their phone is tracked by their manager during working hours.


Your essay will be marked in bands, using the following criteria:

    Quality of argument (0.6 weight)

    Use of additional relevant contextual information (0.2 weight)     Structure and fluency (0.2 weight)

(Marked in bands, worth 20 marks)


You have been given a set of 100 newly designed app icons that have not yet been associated with any existing app. You have created an  app that helps people remember other people’s names.

Design an experiment to answer the following Research Question: “Which icon should you use for your new app?”

Your answer will be marked in bands, using the following criteria:

    Experimental definition           (0.6 weight)

    Data Analysis plan (0.2 weight)

    Structure and fluency (0.2 weight)

(Marked in bands, worth 20 marks)