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ECON.3392 (Summer 2022) An Introduction Development Economics


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An Introduction Development Economics

ECON.3392 (Summer 2022)


The main point of this exercise is to help students develop some skill at finding and retrieving relevant data and using that data to elucidate some of the concepts we have learnt in class. This assignment is associated with the material covered in Sections I and II.

Instruction: Answer all questions. To be submitted to UMLEARN latest by 11:59pm on July 17, 2022. I do not accept late submissions for any reason AT ALL. See course outline for details.

1) For any country in the list below, assess the performance of the economy with respect to:

(i) Economic growth (since 2000) [Hint: You may use GNI/GDP/GNP in US$ terms/PPP terms]

(ii) Economic Growth and Development (since 2000). [You may use information from (i) and then use GNI per capita for Economic Development and explain at least 5 reasons why it is a bad measure]

[Where you find some trends, patterns, or sharp signs, you should provide explanation for them. For instance, you may find that data for 2020 is like an outlier. The likely cause is Covid-19 pandemic. You may find more information from google. As a guide for my decisions, I will assume that students will be through with Q1 by Wednesday morning before class]

2) Using the same country, you have chosen for Question 1) assess the performance of the economy with respect to:

(i) Millennium Development Goals (achievements as of 2015). [You may use only 5 goals and one indicator for each goal you like. In the link MDG below, select one target and one corresponding indicator. With the indicator, you may then check if the data is on WDI. Also, you should compare the periods 1990-1999 and 2005-2015]

[Graphs, along with tables may be a good idea because they will help you identify trends much better. As a guide for my decisions, I will assume that students will be through with Q2 before deadline on July 17, 2022]










[I will provide more explanation on Q2 in the first 20minutes of class on Tuesday]


Source of Data

· World Development Indicators


· Health Nutrition and Population Statistics


· Education Statistics – All Indicators


· Human Development Indicators



Sources of Information and Data

· Freedom in the World 2022

o See UMLearn

· Global Peace Index 2022

o See UMLearn

· Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU)

o Go to UM Library/Databases A-Z/E/EIU

· MDG https://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/Host.aspx?Content=Indicators/OfficialList.htm

· For more MDG-related information, if you google the name of the country and “millennium development goals 2015” you should be able to get information from the UN as well as other sources.

Guiding Instructions

1. All references must be well cited.

2. All responses must be typed.

3. All data must be submitted and labelled A1. Data

4. All graphs must be neatly drawn and labelled

5. Students are not permitted to write for other students, neither are you permitted to plagiarize. [Please see policy on academic misconduct as I do follow university rules strictly]

6. You are to submit two files only. One is paper or essay [PDF format only] while the other is data [Excel sheet only]. In the case a student submits more than two files, I will grade only the first two.

7. I must be able to open your documents without any need for an extra software. Do not lock your documents.

8. Please follow all instructions.