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IY1 Further Programming SOE1 - Report


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IY1 Further Programming

SOE1 - Report

10% of final grade



· complete all of the points raised in this document. Ensure all your answers are in full paragraphs using appropriate academic English.

· submit your coursework on the date and time shown. There are penalties for late submission.

· submit your report as a Word doc. Submit using TurnItIn in Canvas only. Submission by any other means will not be marked!

Declaration of originality

By submitting this work, I declare that:

· This assignment is my own original work, except where I have appropriately cited the original source.

· I have not sought help from anyone else, nor have I allowed my work to be copied.

· I have not submitted this work as a summative assessment for any other module.

· I will participate in academic integrity processes, including any online interviews by video conference, as required to confirm the submitted work is my own.

· I understand that it is my responsibility to check that the folder and files I submit are readable, will compile and run using a Main class and method and fully complete.

Lateness Policy

The following penalty scale will apply for late submission:

Up to 24 hours late

Work submitted in this category will be considered late but will be accepted with a deduction of 10 percentage points (not 10%) of the overall mark.

Deductions cannot reduce the mark beyond the progression thresholds which are as follows:

IY1 = 40%

This will, in some instances, mean no reduction can be made for lateness.

Penalties are not applied to failed work.

More than 24 hours late

The work will not be accepted for marking.

The work will be awarded a zero mark (0%) except where exceptional circumstances evidence is accepted (see Sussex ISC Exceptional Circumstances Policy) or reasonable adjustments (see Sussex ISC Reasonable Adjustments Policy) have been made.

This will be presented at the Internal Assessment Board. NB: You need to ask for exceptional circumstance / reasonable adjustments well before the deadline.

The Report

Write a report explaining your implementation of the StudentRegister.

NB The report is a very important part of your project and should represent a significant piece of work. Answers should be paragraphs rather than single sentences.

Subheadings for the report


A re-statement of the brief for the project in your own words with an explanation of the benefits of inheritance and validation in your code!

Validation Methods

In this section write a paragraph about each of the validation (error checking) methods you implemented.

If your method uses reg-ex you need to provide the reg-ex expression you used and give a detailed explanation of each part of the expression.

Testing (This should be a significant section in your report)

Show the outcome of running the test code in Main. If any of the methods failed explain why.

Final review

· Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your project and outline what you would have implemented given a different time frame or a wider range of programming methods

Marking Criteria:

Please see rubric

40% indicates the minimum standard required for an ordinary pass.

50% indicates the minimum standard required for a lower 2nd class honours (2:2)

60% indicates the minimum standard required for upper 2nd class honours(2:1). 

70% indicates the minimum standard required for 1st class honours.