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COMP(2041|9044) 22T2 — Week 05 Weekly Test Questions


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COMP(2041|9044) 22T2 — Week 05 Weekly Test Questions

Week 05 Weekly Test Questions

Test Conditions

These questions must be completed under self-administered exam-like conditions. You must time the test yourself and ensure you comply with the conditions below.

You may complete this test in CSE labs or elsewhere using your own machine.

You may complete this test at any time before Week 7 Thursday 18º00º00.

Weekly tests are designed to act like a past paper - to give you an idea of how well you are progressing in the course, and what you need to work on. Many of the questions in weekly tests are from past final exams.

Once the first hour has finished, you must submit all questions you've worked on.

You should then take note of how far you got, which parts you didn't understand.

You may choose then to keep working and submit test question anytime up to Week 7 Thursday 18º00º00 However the maximum mark for any question you submit after the first hour will be 50%

You may access this language documentation while attempting this test:

manual entries, via the man command.

Texinfo pages, via the info command.

Bash documentation via the  help command.

Shell/Regex quick reference

Python documentation via the  python3 -c 'help()' command.

Python quick reference

full Python 3.9 documentation

Any violation of the test conditions will results in a mark of zero for the entire weekly test component.

Set up for the test by creating a new directory called  test05 and changing to this directory.

$ mkdir test05

$ cd test05

There are some provided files for this test which you can fetch with this command:

$ 2041 fetch test05

If you're not working at CSE, you can download the provided files as a zip file or a tar file.

Test Complete!

Your time for this test has finished. You must submit your work now. You should

reflect on how you went in this hour, and discuss with your tutor if you have

concerns. You may choose to keep working, but the maximum mark for any

questions you submit later will be 50%.

Write a POSIX-compatible shell script,  hello_files.sh which takes 2 arguments.

The first argument will be positive integer, n.

The second argument will be a string, name.

2022/7/12 15:57

COMP(2041|9044) 22T2 — Week 05 Weekly Test Questions

Your program should create n files.

The names of these files should be  hello1.txt ..  hello n .txt .

Each file should have the same contents, a single line:  hello name

For example:

$ ls hello*.txt

ls: cannot access 'hello*.txt': No such file or directory

$ ./hello_files.sh 3 Andrew

$ ls hello*.txt

hello1.txt  hello2.txt hello3.txt

$ wc hello*.txt

1 2 13 hello1.txt

1 2 13 hello2.txt

1 2 13 hello3.txt

3  6 39 total

$ cat hello1.txt

hello Andrew

$ cat hello2.txt

hello Andrew

$ cat hello3.txt

hello Andrew

$ ./hello_files.sh 100 Brittany

$ ls hello*.txt|wc -l


$ cat hello100.txt

hello Brittany

$ cat hello42.txt

hello Brittany

$ cat hello1.txt

hello Brittany

are not permitted to use external programs such as grep , sort , uniq , ....

In particular you are not permitted to use the external program: seq.

You are permitted to use built-in shell arithmetic and other built-in shell features including:




When you think your program is working you can  autotest to run some simple automated tests:

$ 2041 autotest hello_files

When you are finished working on this exercise you must submit your work by running give:

$ give cs2041 test05_hello_files hello_files.sh

We what to know which of a set of files has the most lines.

Write a POSIX-compatible shell script  most_lines.sh which given one of more filenames as argument, prints which file has the most lines.

For example

$ seq 1 5 >five_lines.txt

$ cat five_lines.txt






$ seq 1 10 >ten_lines.txt

$ seq 1 100 >hundred_lines.txt

$ ./most_lines.sh ten_lines.txt hundred_lines.txt five_lines.txt
