关键词 > CSE3241

CSE 3241 Summer 2022


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CSE 3241

Summer 2022

Project Overview


Your team is hired by Dr. Hope Smilow. She is opening her own dental practice “Smilow          Dentistry” and needs a database to hold all required data. Her office needs to maintain a list of accepted insurance policy types, a list of standard dental procedures and standard per unit      charges for those procedures for each insurance plan. The office will employ various medical   professionals such as other dentists, hygienists, dental assistants, receptionists, etc., and will     need to maintain standard employee info and licensure details where applicable. They need to keep careful track of patients, their complete demographics, insurance info, medical history,    and appointments.


In addition to storing basic demographics info, the system needs to keep track if and when a    patient signed HIPAA form, date of last x-ray, medications, and allergy information and allow to check that the information is still current.

Any time a patient has an appointment, a billing record needs to be generated with date, doctor / supervising doctor/ medical professional, and procedures performed. They will also keep        track of patient payments. Each payment consists of an amount, a date, and a type of payment  (cash, check, credit card), and invoices it is applied to. The system should allow to store              patients’ payment information and use it when instructed.


Each appointment can involve multiple treatments/procedures. We can assume that the entire    invoice is billed under one main supervising dentist’s name. There will be one invoice (bill) per  appointment. Not all patients will have insurance coverage, and some may pay out of pocket.     For patients who have insurance coverage, insurance payments are applied first, and the patient is billed for the remainder when applicable. We will assume that each patient can have only one insurance plan. We are not going to worry about secondary coverage at this time. Cancelled        appointments are not billed. Specific procedures can be performed by certain licensed medical   professionals.

Rules and general requirements:


You and your teammates will work on this project independently from other teams all semester. This project will measure your ability to apply the concepts learned in this course. There will be several required check-point assignments that will help you to navigate through the project and to assemble some of the required components. You will receive feedback on your work. The       purpose of that feedback is to provide you with some pointers and assess your progress.              Checkpoint work submitted during the semester does not guarantee the correctness and              completeness of your final work. Those are the responsibilities of your team and not of the

graders. All checkpoint work will need to be retained and submitted again as a part of your final project documentation.


Final Project will be due at the times listed. Late submissions will not be accepted. Each team      member is equally responsible for completion, presence, and correctness of required                     documentation and files.  One submission per team is required. However, all team members are expected to retain copies of all completed work. Students who do not contribute fairly towards  this project, will face point deduction or/and removal from the team at any point during the       semester at the instructor’s discretion.

Detailed final document requirements will be provided in a separate document. Your final project will include a detailed report describing your DB design and capabilities, relational database schema, entity relationship diagram, SQL code, data, and other DB components.