关键词 > BUSN5003

BUSN5003 Supplementary Assignment


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Please find below your supplementary assignment for BUSN5003.


Submission Details: Video recording and Tableau file must be submitted through email. Recording must contain audio, screen recording and video.


This assessment relates to the following unit learning outcomes:

(1) Develop an understanding of a problem and identify the related data which tells a story about the situation;


(2) Develop a narrative to communicate data-driven conclusions effectively;

(3) Identify appropriate visualisations to communicate this narrative;

(4) Produce high quality data visualisations using software packages (such as Tableau);

(5) Demonstrate effective communication skills appropriate to a variety of audiences and through a range of mediums (e.g. dashboards, powerpoint, infographics);

Assignment Description:

Develop a Tableau Story using  Dykes' Storytelling Arc to address an opportunity identified by the CEO of global company.


You work in the analytics team for a global retail company that has been performing well in the past few years. The CEO has noticed a positive trend in most Markets but not all and wants to know how to further improve next year.  By comparing the main Categories/Sub-Categories between Markets and looking for any trends that the company can replicate, develop and propose a strategy for the CEO.


If the strategy is successful what would be the estimated potential financial gain? (Note: The potential financial benefit can be calculated outside Tableau).


Using the Story functionality in Tableau create a presentation to the CEO to address his question above. You can have as many story points as you feel is applicable as long as you are following Dykes' Storytelling Arc.


The dataset attached is the "Global Superstore" dataset, provided by Tableau, but with some modifications so all data is already joined together, allowing you to simply import into Tableau.