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ACCT2542 Tutorial Question with Solution


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Tutorial Question with Solution

Calculation of current and deferred tax, and adjustment entry

Bondi Ltds accounting profit before tax for the year ended 30 June 2024 was $150 000. At 30 June 2023 and 30 June 2024, the companys draft statements of financial position showed the following balances.




Accounts receivable

Allowance for doubtful debts

Prepaid insurance


Accumulated depreciation — equipment


Accumulated depreciation — buildings


Deferred tax asset


Accounts payable

Accrued expenses

Mortgage loan

Warranty payable

Current tax liability

Deferred tax liability



40 000

150 000

300 000

(15 000)

20 000

200 000

(100 000)

400 000

(140 000)

40 000

45 000

255 000

120 000

210 000

70 000

9 000

12 000



50 000

160 000

420 000

(21 500)

15 000

260 000

(146 000)

400 000

(160 000)

40 000


270 000

90 000

210 000

50 000



Additional information

The company tax rate is assumed to be 30%.

During the year ended 30 June 2024, Bondi Ltd received a non-taxable royalty revenue of $20 000.

Amounts received from sales, including those on credit terms, are taxed at the time the sale is made. Bondi Ltd recognised $20 000 in bad debts expense during the year ended

30 June 2024.

Insurance expense incurred during the year ended 30 June 2024 was $20 000. The amounts paid in cash for insurance are allowed to be claimed as deductions for tax purposes.

The equipment is depreciated on a straight-line basis over 5 years for accounting

purposes and over 4 years for taxation purposes. The equipment is not expected to have any residual value. The only movement in the equipment account during the year ended

30 June 2024 was a result of Bondi Ltd acquiring a new equipment on 1 January 2024.

The buildings are depreciated on a straight line basis over 20 years for accounting purposes and are not expected to have any residual value. Depreciation of buildings is not allowed to be claimed as a deduction for tax purposes. There is no movement in the Buildings account during the year ended 30 June 2024.

During the year ended 30 June 2024, Bondi Ltd paid accrued expenses of $210 000 and recognised $45 000 in warranty expense. These expenses are not deductible for tax purposes until they are actually paid.

There are no other items that cause differences between accounting and taxable profit.

Goodwill is not considered deductible for tax purposes.

Permanent differences do not result in deferred tax consequences.

During the year ended 30 June 2024, Bondi Ltd paid the Australian Taxation Office the following instalments for income tax. Payments have to be made within one month after the end of the quarter they relate to:

1. 28 July 2023: $9 000

2. 28 October 2023: $7 000

3. 28 February 2024: $7 500

4. 28 April 2024: $8 000.


1. Prepare the current tax worksheet and the journal entry to recognise current tax at 30 June 2024.

2. Prepare the deferred tax worksheet and journal entries to adjust deferred tax accounts.



Current tax worksheet

for year ended 30 June 2024

Accounting profit


Bad debts expense

Insurance expense

Depreciation expense equipment

Depreciation expense buildings (non-deductible) Accrued expense

Warranty expense


Royalty revenue (tax exempt)

Bad debts written off

Insurance paid

Depreciation equipment (tax)

Accrued expenses paid

Warranty paid

Taxable profit

Tax payable @ 30%

Less quarterly tax paid (from October 2023 to April 2024)

Current tax liability


20 000

20 000

46 000

20 000

180 000

45 000

$ 150 000

331 000

20 000

13 500

15 000

57 500

210 000

65 000

481 000

(381 000)

100 000

30 000 (22 500)

7 500


Bad debts written off: opening balance of allowance for doubtful debts ($15 000) + bad debts expense ($20 000) – ending balance of allowance for doubtful debts ($21 500) = $13 500. Insurance paid: ending balance of prepaid insurance ($15 000) + insurance expense ($20 000) – opening balance of prepaid insurance ($20 000) = $15 000.

Depreciation of equipment for tax purposes: depreciation of old equipment ($200 000 / 4) + depreciation of new equipment acquired on 1 January 2024 ([$260 000 - $200 000] / 4 / 2) = $57


Accrued expenses:  ending balance  of accrued  expenses  ($90  000)  +  accrued  expenses paid ($210 000) – opening balance of accrued expenses ($120 000) = $180 000.

Warranty paid: opening balance of warranty payable ($70 000) + warranty expense ($45 000) – ending balance of warranty payable ($50 000) = $65 000.

Those amounts (excluding the depreciation of equipment for tax purposes) can also be calculated by recreating the ledgers for the affected accounts as follows:

Allowance for doubtful debts


Bad debts written 13 500

Ending balance 21 500

35 000

Opening balance Expense

$ 15 000

20 000

35 000

Prepaid insurance


Opening balance                  20 000

Insurance paid 15 000

35 000

Accrued expenses payable


Expenses paid                    210 000

Ending balance        90 000

300 000

Warranty payable


Warranty paid 65 000

Ending balance         50 000

115 000