关键词 > CSCI150

CSCI150 Quiz 1 Summer 2022


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Summer 2022

Quiz 1

1. Convert decimal 2517.39 to binary, hexadecimal and Octal. (6)

2. Convert binary 10111011 to decimal, hexadecimal and Octal. (6)

3. Encode decimal 3293 as BCD (2)

4. Convert the 3-bit data 011010110110111 into 4-bit even parity code (2)

5. Calculate binary 1011010 101011 (2)

6. Calculate binary 11100 * 10101 (2)

7. Calculate binary 100110 / 110 (2)

8. A CD has 4.7GB storage capacity; how many bits is needed minimum to encode them in binary? (2)

9. What is the Gray Code of 18? Show your derivation. (2)

10. Given the following function(, , , ) = + + +

a. Draw the truth table of the function f. (2)

b. Draw the diagram of the function f. (2)