关键词 > CS3113

CS3113 Project: Student’s Choice


Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: daixieit

Project: Student’s Choice

Make a game in the style of your choice (2D or 3D).


If you want to make a 2D game:

-     It must be something other than a platformer.

-     No flappy bird games or doodle jump style.

-    Top Down (Legend of Zelda Style) is OK!

-     Schmup style (vertical or horizontal) is OK, but must have bullets/projectiles.

-    You absolutely must email me to get approval for your game idea!


If you want to make a 3D game:

-    You can make any style of 3D game.

-     Students have made Maze games with basic AI.

-     3D Platformer is OK!

-    You absolutely must email me to get approval for your game idea!

You must use new assets (art, music, sound) for this project!

You can use the font, but other than that, you can not use anything from the course github! (even if you did not use them on previous projects). No ctg.png, george_0.png, tileset.png, and none of the music or sound, etc.

You must nd new assets.


There are some great sources for free assets:

-     More by the same artist: https://kenney.nl/assets

-     itch.io has tons of awesome free graphics: https://itch.io/game-assets/free

-     Lots of different kinds of free assets: https://opengameart.org/

-     Royalty free music: https://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/music.html

-    Again, make sure something you find is not something in the course github.

Get started soon! - Do not wait until the last minute!


I discuss the project more here: https://youtu.be/Vc5quYZFSHA

What are the requirements for the project?

The following are required to earn points for the project:


Menu Screen (10%)

-     Show the Name of your game and Press enter to start.

-    This must be a different Scene” . Do not just show/hide text.


2 Minutes of Gameplay (40%)

-    There needs to be at least 2 minutes of game play.

-     For 2D Games:

-     If you have just 1 level, it must be HUGE with obstacles or you can have 3 shorter levels.

-    You must have scrolling.

-     For 3D Games:

-     One large scene is OK.

Moving AI (20%)

-    There should be at least 3. They can all look the same and behave the same.

-    They must move around in some way.


Player Can Lose (10%)

-     Some way for the player to lose (touching an AI, falling off a ledge, running out of time, etc.)


Player Can Win (10%)

-     Some way for the player to win (killing all the AI, collecting all the coins, whatever you want)


Audio (10%)

-    You must have at least 1 looping background music.

-    There should be at least 1 sound effect (such as for jumping, when the player or AI dies, etc.)



Any tips on how to get started or approach this project?

More planning = less coding. Work out your levels and ideas on paper as well as what Classes, Objects, Textures, Audio you’ ll need before you start coding.

If I want to go that extra distance, what are some things I can add?

While not required, here are some ideas for things to add to your game:

-     If you want to challenge yourself, make a simple 3D game instead of 2D.

Im stuck working on my project and can’t figure something out. How can I get help?

Students can reach out to me anytime: [email protected]  If you are emailing me for help with your projects, upload your entire project to github and email me with the link (I need to see everything so I can help you).

Do not email screenshots of your code.


Additionally, there is a forum in NYU Classes where students can help each other.


How do I submit my work?

Commit your code to your GitHub repository. Post the link to your github in the Assignments area in NYU Classes. For example, your link might look like:



If you are having difficulties with github, you can .zip your entire project and post a link to google drive. Make sure your google drive link is accessible to everyone so that myself and the TA can access it.

Due by 11:59pm means your project was successfully uploaded and a link was submitted to NYU Classes by    that time. Start uploading your project at least an hour before the deadline. Projects received 1 minute late are considered to be a day late.

If there are any issues with uploading your project, you must email me before the due date.       While I check email regularly, do not expect a response over the weekend or close to deadlines. Your code must compile. Code that does not compile will receive a grade of 0.

Late projects will have 10 points deducted per day. Late projects will not be accepted after 2 days.