关键词 > PHYS241

PHYS 241—Introductory Electricity & Magnetism Spring 2022


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PHYS 241—Introductory Electricity & Magnetism

Spring 2022

Course Goals:

The goals of this course are for you to understand the central ideas underlying the topics of electricity & magnetism and be able to solve problems related to these topics. Specifically: to analyze the motion of electric charges under the influence of electric and magnetic fields; to use Faraday’s Law to determine the magnitude and direction of any “induced” currents; to qualitatively and quantitatively determine what happens in AC and DC circuits containing resistors, capacitors and inductors; to use Maxwell’s equations to determine electric and magnetic fields from a variety of charge and current distributions; and for 241 only: perform measurements on circuits with the most common measurement instruments.


Assessments are described below. A detailed description of objectives and expected learning outcomes is given in the Course Schedule posted on D2L.


Course Resources:

Course handouts, announcements, and grades will be available via D2L. To log onto the D2L course site, go to http://d2l.arizona.edu/ and click on UA Net ID Login. Once you log in, you will be able to select PHYS 241 from the list of all your courses that are using D2L. To access handouts, select Content. Please check D2L frequently, as this is where we will post important announcements.

Homework assignments will be completed via Mastering Physics. To enroll in this course, follow the directions on the separate handout. If you purchased a used copy of the text, which does not include the Student Access Kit, you can purchase access to Mastering Physics by going to www.masteringphysics.com and following the instructions.


Course Requisites:

PHYS 141; Concurrent registration: MATH 223 is recommended but not required. Some elementary vector calculus will be taught in class.  Credit will be allowed for only one of the following sequences of courses; PHYS 141-142-241-242, 151-152-251-252.


Course Assessment: 

Homework:  Mastering Physics is used for the online homework system, and is available through inclusive access via D2L. Assignments have a due date with late homework docked 2% for each hour it is late. You are allowed three attempts at each assignment before the due date, however, you must complete the assignment before another attempt can be made.


Labs(241 Only): A crucial component of the course is the laboratory. You must pass the lab component of the course to pass the entire course! Please see the lab policies document for details. The lab kits must be ordered from eScience. Instructions are given in D2L under the “Syllabus & how to Access the Textbook, Homework & Lab” tab.


Learning Activities: Once a week a group-work activity will be held. During this activity you need complete a worksheet with three or four fellow students. The group will be asked to turn in (on D2L) a single worksheet to be graded

Exams: There are three midterm exams each of which are one hour in length. The final is twice a midterm and is two hours in length.

Student Assessment:

Students grades are based on performance on homework, labs, learning activities, three exams, and the final exam. The final grade for the course will be determined as follows:


Learning Activity




Total Lab Score


Midterm Exams


Final Exam



The final course grade will be assigned according to the following scheme:









< 50 E


In determining the grades the following adjustments will be made:

· The lowest homework score will be dropped

· The lowest two learning activity grades will be dropped


The learning activities are group work activities and will be optimal only if all students in a group actively participate.


Grading of the homework is automatic on Mastering Physics. Grading of the Learning Activities, Labs, and Exams will be completed within seven days of the turn-in date.



The UA’s policy concerning Class Attendance, Participation, and Administrative Drops is available at: http://catalog.arizona.edu/policy/class-attendance-participation-and-administrative-drop 


Absences for any sincerely held religious belief, observance or practice will be accommodated where reasonable, http://policy.arizona.edu/human- resources/religious-accommodation-policy.


Absences pre-approved by the UA Dean of Students (or Dean’s designee) will be honored. 
 See:  https://deanofstudents.arizona.edu/absences


Academic Integrity

Students are encouraged to share intellectual views and discuss freely the principles and applications of course materials. However, graded work/exercises must be the product of independent effort unless otherwise instructed. Students are expected to adhere to the UA Code of Academic Integrity as described in the UA General Catalog. See: http://deanofstudents.arizona.edu/codeofacademicintegrity http://deanofstudents.arizona.edu/academic-integrity/students/academic-integrity.


Accessibility and Accommodations
Our goal is that learning experiences be as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience physical or academic barriers based on disability, please let me know immediately so that we can discuss options. You are also welcome to contact the Disability Resource Center (520-621-3268) to establish reasonable accommodations. For additional information on the Disability Resource Center and reasonable accommodations, please visit http://drc.arizona.edu.

If you have reasonable accommodations, please plan to meet with me by appointment or during office hours to discuss accommodations and how my course requirements and activities may impact your ability to fully participate.

Please be aware that the accessible table and chairs in this room should remain available for students who find that standard classroom seating is not usable.


Nondiscrimination and anti-harassment policy

The University is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free of discrimination; see http://policy.arizona.edu/human-resources/nondiscrimination-and-anti-harassment-policy

Recommended language: Our virtual classroom is a place where everyone is encouraged to express well-formed opinions and their reasons for those opinions. We also want to create a tolerant and open environment where such opinions can be expressed without resorting to bullying or discrimination of others.


Classroom Behavior
To foster a positive learning environment, students and instructors have a shared responsibility. We want a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment where all of us feel comfortable with each other and where we can challenge ourselves to succeed.


Threatening Behavior is Prohibited. The UA Threatening Behavior by Students Policy prohibits threats of physical harm to any member of the University community, including to oneself. See http://policy.arizona.edu/education-and-student-affairs/threatening-behavior-students.