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BIO 110 Exam 3


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BIO 110 Exam 3 Study Outline: Chapters 7, 10, & 12

This study outline is a ‘ bare bones’ guide of the material covered in chapters 7, 10, & 12.  It        should be used with PowerPoints to guide your studying and should not be considered a list of  everything that will be on the exam or you need to know for the exam.  The majority of the exam questions were covered in the PowerPoints but you are responsible for all information covered  including the covered material from the textbook!  That means you should have read the            textbook, especially before the material is covered in lecture.

Chapter 7: Biotechnology                                                                                                         • What is biotechnology?                                                                                                          • What is cloning? Be able to identify and explain the three major forms                                 o Reproductive                                                                                                                         o Recombinant                                                                                                                         o Therapeutic                                                                                                                            • What are transgenic organisms? Be able to give examples                                                  • What are some of the basic types of DNA Manipulations we use in Biotechnology?             • What are some of you more common Transgenic organisms use for?                                  • What is Biotransformation? Why do we typically use bacteria for this process?                    • What are Plasmids and why are they important for Biotransformation?                                • What are restriction enzymes? Why do bacteria need restriction enzymes?                         • How are restriction enzymes used in biotechnology?                                                            • What are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)?                                                             • What are some examples of Genetically Modified Foods?                                                    • Why are GMOs used for agriculture purposes? What issues about GMO use have been    raised?                                                                                                                                      • What is Golden Rice? Briefly describe how it was created?                                                  • What is Bt corn? What is its major benefit to farmers? What issues have been raised by its use?                                                                                                                                          • What animals are being genetically modified for human use?                                               • What concerns have been raised about the GMO faster growing salmon?                           • What problems do featherless chickens raise for farmers?                                                   • Is genetically modified Pork safe?                                                                                          • What are the three Medical uses of Biotechnology we discussed in class? Give examples  • What are Pharm” animals? Give examples                                                                           • What is gene therapy? How do we use viruses to carryout gene therapy?                           • Be able to explain the SCIDS example and how the “ bubble boy” was involved                   • What are knock-out” mice? What is they medically important?

Chapter 10: Evolution

10a Introduction to Evolution

Define population and evolution

What is Decent with Modification”? Briefly explain Elephant example

What is Natural Selection?

How do Insecticide and Antibiotic Resistance show Natural Selection?

• Darwin:  what did he propose and do that brought the Theory of Evolution to the forefront of scientific thought

• What were some of the observations that Darwin made in Galapagos that lead him to propose that a process called Natural Selection drive Evolution? What is a Glyptodont and why is it so    important to Darwin’s proposing Natural Selection?

• Who were the intellectuals of the Darwin’s time and before that influenced Darwin’s views on Evolution?

Who is Alfred Russell Wallace? Why do we remember Darwin and not him?

10b Microevolution: Adaptation

• How are Individuals, Populations and Species involved with Natural Selection?  Why do we say that Natural Selection works at the Population level”?

What are the “4 specific agentsof Microevolutionary change?

• Be able to define and give examples of Genetic Drift, Gene Flow (migration), Mutational       Change and Natural Selection.  Why is Natural Selection the most important of these agents?

• Mutations:  what are their interactions with Microevolution? What selective advantages to organisms might they provide?

What is Genetic Drift? Why does it affect smaller populations more than larger populations?

Give examples of the types of Genetic Drift: Bottleneck Effect and Founder Effect

What is Gene Flow (migration)? How does it affect populations?

• Natural Selection is the most important factor in Microevolution, what are the three characteristics of populations that must be present for Natural Selection to cause     Microevolution?

What is Fitness and what does Survival of the Fittest really mean?

• Be able to define the three type of Selection (Directional, Disruptive, Stabilizing) and give an example of each

What is Non-random Mating and why does it work against Evolution?

What is Sexual Selection?  What is Pride Behavior?

Chapter 12 Origin of Life on Earth

12a Origin of Life of Earth

How did Life Evolve on the Earth?

When did Life Evolve on the Earth?

What is Primordial Soupand do we use it to explain the Origin of Life?

• What are the three Phases of the Development of Life? 12b Macroevolution: Making Species

What is Macroevolution?

How does Natural Selection influence Macroevolution?

What are Gene Pools”? Why is it important that they contain Allelic Diversity?

How does Geographical Isolation figure into Macroevolution?

What are the two theories on how Speciation occurs?

Give examples of Gradualism and Punctuated Equilibrium

What are the two Modes of Speciation?

Give examples of Allopatric and Sympatric Speciation

What is Reproductive Isolation and how does it create Speciation?

• What are Pre-zygotic and Post-zygotic reproduction barriers? Be able to define each and give or identify an example

What is Adaptive Radiation? What were the three given examples?

What conditions must exist for a population to be able to undergo Adaptive Radiation?

Mass Extinctions

You should be able to discuss the above evidences and give examples

Chapter 12: This chapter covers the following Sections: 12. 1 - 12.3, 12.5, 12.8 - 12. 12