关键词 > MATH3907



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MATH3907 ⋅ SESSION 1, 2022


1.  [8 marks]. Find all solutions to the following systems of congruences.

()   6 2  ≡4 3

()   5 4

 ≡7 1

 ≡11 3

()   15 11

 20 16

2.  [4 marks]. Find all solutions to the following system of Diophantine equations

2 + 15      = 7

3      + 20 = 8.


3.  [4 marks]. Let  be a ring and ,   . Show that

(a) if  +  = 0 then  +  = 0

(b) if  +  = 0 and  is commutative then ( + )2 =  2 +  2.


4.  [8 marks]. In group theory, you met the six-element abelian group

ℤ2 × ℤ3 = {(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)}

with group operation given by componentwise addition (mod 2 in the first component and mod 3 in the second component). In this question you are going to investigate ways in which this could be equipped with a multiplication making it into a ring.

(a) Using the fact that (1, 0) + (1, 0) = (0, 0), show that (1, 0)(1, 0) is either (1, 0) or (0, 0). (Hint: you could use the previous question.)

(b) What does the fact that (0, 1)+(0, 1)+(0, 1) = (0, 0) tell you about the possible values of (0, 1)(0, 1)?

(c) What are the possible values of (1, 0)(0, 1)?

(d) Does there exist a field with 6 elements?


5.  [6 marks]. Determine whether or not each of the following polynomials is irreducible over the integers.

(a)  [2 marks].  4 − 4 − 8 

(b)  [2 marks].  4 − 2 − 6 

(c)  [2 marks].  4 − 4 2 − 4


6.[7 marks]. This question is about the ring ℤ11 of integers mod 11.

(a)  [1 marks]. Is ℤ11 a field?

(b)  [2 marks]. For which values of  ∈ ℤ11 does the equation  2 +  =  have a solution?

(c)  [2 marks]. For which values of  ∈ ℤ11 is the ring ℤ11 []/( 2 +  + ) a field?

(d)  [2 marks]. Explain why there is no homomorphism ℤ11 []/( 2 +  + 1) → ℤ11.