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IFYEC003 Economics Examination


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IFYEC003 Economics


Questions 1-22
Answer ALL questions.
These questions carry 60 marks in total.

Question 1

Which one of the following is most likely to lead to a worsening of labour [ 1 ] productivity?

A Adopting capital-intensive methods of production B Greater division of labour

C Less specialisation

D A reduced supply of labour

Question 2

The diagram below shows the supply curve for a good.


0 Quantity


The most likely cause of a shift of the curve from SI to S2 would be an increase in

A workers7 wages.

B the price of a substitute good.

C government subsidies to manufacturers of the good.

D the price of the good.

Question 3

For a firm which has an objective of revenue maximisation, its level of [ 1 ]

output will be where

A marginal revenue = marginal cost.

B economies of scale have been maximised.

C average revenue is greater than average cost. D marginal revenue is zero.

Question 4

Ceteris paribus (all other things being equal), a rise in the budget deficit is [ 1 ] most likely to lead to

A higher aggregate demand.

B lower inflation.

C a recession.

D A decrease in export competitiveness.

Question 5

Diminishing marginal utility is best explained as [ 1 ]

A the level of consumption where satisfaction has been maximised.

B the amount of satisfaction provided by the consumption of every additional unit of a good decreases as consumption of the good increases.

C the rise in satisfaction from the consumption of additional units of a good.

D The rise in average costs per unit as output increases.

Question 6

Consider the following data about the production possibilities for two [ 1 ]















Which of the following statements is true?

A Germany is three times more efficient at producing shoes compared to cars

B China should produce all the cars and all the shoes demanded by the market

C China has a comparative advantage in the production of shoes.

D The UK shouldn't produce cars or shoes

Question 7

The diagram below shows the demand and supply curves for a good, where [ 1 ] the initial equilibrium is at point X. The introduction of a subsidy results in a new equilibrium of point B.



The amount of the subsidy per unit is measured by





Question 8

Market failure occurs when [ 1 ]

A taxes are introduced on demerit goods.

B there is an inefficient distribution of goods and services in the free


C firms make losses and have to leave the market.

D prices are rising and consumer surplus is falling.

Question 9

The diagram below shows the demand and supply curves for a good, with [ 1 ] the initial equilibrium at point E.



If the government decides to impose a tax on the good, which of the following will occur?

A The demand curve will shift to the left

B The price will fall

C There will be a movement along the demand curve

D There will be a rise in quantity

Question 10

The diagram below shows a country's aggregate demand and supply [ 1 ]

schedules, with equilibrium at point E.


Real National Output


Which of the following policies will be most likely to be pursued in the short run by a government faced with an initial equilibrium at point E?

A Increased spending on education and training.

B A subsidy granted to exporters.

C An increase in interest rates.

D A cut in the budget deficit.

Question 11

A firms demand curve is most likely to be price elastic [ 1 ]

A if there are many substitutes.

B in the short run.

C if the good is habit forming.

D if the good is price elastic in supply.

Question 12

The diagram below shows the growth rate of an economy over time. [ 1 ]




If the economy is operating at point A, which combination of features is most likely to be occurring in the economy?

A Falling employment and falling consumption.

B High investment and high level of imports.

C A rising budget deficit and low unemployment.

D Low demand for inferior goods and high consumption.

Question 13

The following table shows the global market share of music streaming [ 1 ]

services in 2021


Market Share (%)



Apple Music


Amazon Music


Tencent Music


YouTube Music











Source: MidiaResearch. com

It can be deduced from this data that the global market for music streaming services

A highly profitable for all firms.

B likely to lead to interdependence of decision making.

C has low barriers to entry.

D is a pure monopoly.

Question 14

The following diagram shows the different cost and revenue curves faced by [ 1 ] a firm.


Which intersection of curves shows would identify the most productively efficient level of output for a firm?

A Where A intersects D B Where A intersects C C Where A intersects B D Where C intersects D

Question 15

Which of the following would lead to a rise in equilibrium price?

A Supply is perfectly elastic and the price of a substitute rises.

B Supply is perfectly inelastic and the price of a substitute decreases.

C Demand is perfectly inelastic and labour costs rise.

D Demand is perfectly inelastic and labour costs fall.

Question 16

The diagram below shows the market for coal in the UK.

Price per tonne of coal


The government recognises that coal production creates negative externalities in the form of carbon dioxide emissions. The government believes the socially optimum level of output is Q2. In order to reduce output to Q2, the government would be most likely to

A ban coal production.

B introduce a maximum price of P2.

C introduce a subsidy to shift the demand curve for coal to the left.

D impose a tax on coal producers that matches the size of the external

cost to society.

Question 17

If an economy is experiencing high inflation and a positive output gap, which of the following is most likely to reduce inflationary pressure?

[1 ]


A fall in the exchange rate.



A decrease in the budget deficit.



A cut in income tax.



A cut in the interest rates.




Which of the following would be classified as a factor of production by an economist?

[1 ]


A delivery van



A bank loan



Money held in bank accounts



Profits made by firms


IFYEC003 Economics



20 The existence of scarcity in an economy means that

[1 ]


economic activity must be geared towards firms making profits.



there are no social costs involved in the production and consumption of goods and services.



there is always rivalry in consumption.



economic agents must make choices.


IFYEC003 Economics

Question 21

Surging food prices push UK inflation to 30-year high

Prices have gone up at their fastest rate in nearly 30 years - but there is worse to come, experts have warned. Soaring food costs and the energy bill crisis drove inflation to 5.4% in the 12 months to December, up from 5.1% the month before, in another blow to struggling families.

Fuel bills for households and businesses could also increase by another 50% in the next few months, the energy industry has said.

Paul Johnson, director at the Institute for Fiscal Studies think tank, said people on low incomes would be particularly hard hit by the rising cost of living

"Everyone, particularly those on modest incomes, has had a long period of wages not really growing any faster than prices over the last decade, so another increase at this point is going to be particularly painful/' he told the BBC.

As a result, he said, the Bank of England's rate-setting Monetary Policy Committee was likely to raise interest rates faster than most people expected, with the next increase to 0.5% expected in February.

Source: BBC News - 19 January 2022 (adapted extract)



Explain the term 'inflation'.



Explain with the aid of a diagram why rising fuel bills for businesses might lead to inflationary pressure in the future.



Analyse how an increase in interest rates might be expected to reduce inflation.



Using the case study above and your own knowledge of economics, evaluate the impact that rising inflation might have on living standards in the UK.


IFYEC003 Economics

Question 22

Funding secured to enhance safety at Greenhead Park

In the North of England, Greenhead Park in Huddersfield and Crow Nest Park in Dewsbury will benefit from a £46,000 investment from the government's Safer Streets Fund to make them safer.

The council will work with partners and local groups to draw up plans aimed at stopping offences from happening in the first place and reducing safety fears - particularly for women and girls. It's hoped work would also encourage more women's groups to use the spaces and widen private and social benefits across the community.

Plans could include improving the look and feel of the parks, cutting back of vegetation to increase visibility, improved lighting, better signage or training and mentoring for crime prevention activities.

The funding comes after a successful partnership bid secured £46,000 to help pay for the development of the park.

Source: www.huddersfieldtimes.co. uk (adapted extract)



Explain the term 'private benefit'.

[2 ]


Explain with the aid of a diagram how public parks might illustrate market failure.



Analyse the characteristics of public goods and quasi-public goods

[6 ]


Evaluate how cost-benefit analysis might be a useful tool to local government when considering whether to invest in improving local facilities such as public parks.


IFYEC003 Economics

Questions 23 & 24
Answer 1 question ONLY
This question carries 20 marks in total.

Question 23

Analyse and explain the price and output decisions of a perfectly competitive firm in the long run AND evaluate the view that the advantages of perfect competition always outweigh the disadvantages.



Question 24

Explain the relationship between total, average and marginal product in the short run and how this is linked to the law of diminishing returns AND analyse and evaluate the extent to which you agree that profit maximisation will always be a firm's primary business objective




IFYEC003 Economics

Questions 25 & 26
Answer 1 question ONLY
This question carries 20 marks in total.

Question 25

Explain how and analyse why governments try to promote economic growth in a country AND evaluate the case for and against economic growth in a country.



Question 26

Explain the primary determinants of consumption and investment in an economy AND analyse and evaluate with the use of relevant diagrams, the effectiveness of fiscal policy in improving the macroeconomic performance of a country.
