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Assignment Part One trimester 202202


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Assignment Part One

Curtin College has decided to create dedicated areas in the new building on Campus to each of the disciplines. This would incorporate facilities such as seated areas, quiet zones, toilets, collaborative learning spaces, food outlets and more. It is hoped to have some separate spaces for undergraduates and postgraduates’ students.

The Commerce Team would has decided to use the data that Tasman University collected from surveys conducted last trimester to present some statistics to the Interior Design team.
This will give the Interior Design team an indication of numbers and behaviour of undergraduates and postgraduates students.

Part One

Your task is to provide a simple demographic report to the Interior Design team.

The report must contain the following:

1. Two separate statistical comparisons of variables between undergraduates and postgraduates’ students’ surveys and provide interpretations in the context of the above scenario.
Suitable variables would be Expected salary, Undergraduate (weighted average mean) WAM, or Age.

2. Create two appropriate diagrams to compare variables, either solely in Undergraduate or Graduate Category or compare between both categories.
Hint: Think carefully about which type of chart (Bar charts, Boxplots, Histograms and Pie Charts)
suits the data and clearly shows the trend. 

One from selection A and one from Selection B

Selection A Count by gender, or by major, or by employment.

Selection B Average textbook spend by gender, Average WAM by major Average number of text messages between Undergraduate and Postgraduate.

Report Format

Introduction                   Why are writing, who are writing to, and what will you write?
Remember the scenario

Statistical Content  Why you chose the variables with reference to statistical measures and charts/graphs/table.

Interpretation/  What does your data suggest and link to scenario?
Discussion For example,
high proportion of students have full-time jobs may                 appreciate nutritional alternatives being available in the evening 
Are there any limitations with data or survey questions?

Conclusion Findings, Suggestions, future research in the context of the scenario  



There are two excel data sets available on Moodle labelled Undergraduates and Postgraduates.
You should only use this data and no other.
When calculating statistics, you must use all the entries in any one column.
DO NOT choose the first 20 or so values and calculate a statistic.