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IBUS305 (2022) - Dynamic Strategy and Structure in International Business


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Course Outline

IBUS305 (2022) - Dynamic Strategy and Structure in International Business

General Information


This course explores the dynamic relationship between organisational capabilities, strategy formulation and the corresponding structure employed within international business, examining strategies for growth through internationalisation, exporting, co-operative inter-firm agreements and evolution of traditional hierarchical structures.

Course Learning Objectives

Students who pass this course should be able to:

● Review the most relevant concepts and methods in international strategy and organization;

● Explain and interpret the key elements of international business strategies;

● Apply frameworks, tools, and methods to solve problems, demonstrating alternative solutions and constructing solutions for international business strategy, organisational structure, and implementation;

● Assess the effectiveness of certain strategies and organisation structures in different environments and recommend alternative courses of action.

Course Content

Course Schedule

Week 1 (11 Jul 2022)

Topic: Strategizing around the globe

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 1

Week 2 (18 Jul 2022)

Topic: Assessing industry competition

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 2

Week 3 (25 Jul 2022)

Topic: Leveraging resources and capabilities

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 3

Tutorial 1: The Consulting Industry [Peng (2022) Integrative Case 1]

Week 4 (1 Aug 2022)

Topic: Recognising institutions, cultures, and ethics

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 4

Week 5 (8 Aug 2022)

Topic: Internationalising the entrepreneurial firm and grow internationally

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 5

Take-home case study test (due: 12noon Thursday 11 Aug 2022)

Week 6 (15 Aug 2022)

Topic: Entering foreign markets

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 6

Tutorial 2: LEGO’s Secrets [Peng (2022) Integrative Case 3]

Mid-trimester break (22 Aug 2022 – 4 Sep 2022)

Week 7 (5 Sep 2022)

Topic: Analysing global competitive dynamics

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 8

Individual assignment 1 (due: 12noon Thursday 8 Sep 2022)

Week 8 (12 Sep 2022)

Topic: Managing international portfolios and diversification across the globe

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 9 (pages 224-237)

AGRANA: From a Local Supplier to a Global Player [Peng (2022) Integrative Case 18]

Tutorial 3:

Week 9 (19 Sep 2022)

Topic: Creating alliances and acquisitions globally

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 7 and Chapter 9 (pages 238-247)

Individual assignment 2 presentation (due: 12noon Thursday 22 Sep 2022)

Week 10 (26 Sep 2022)

Topic: Organising cross-border organizational structures

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 10

Week 11 (3 Oct 2022)

Course review & highlights of research and contemporary issues in the international arena

Individual assignment 2 essay (due: 12noon Thursday 6 Oct 2022)


The course uses Peng (2022), Global Strategy (5th ed). Cengage: US.


Withdrawal from Course

Withdrawal dates and process:



● Prof Siah Hwee Ang - [email protected]


● Owen Force - [email protected]

Office Hours

By Appointment

Teaching Format

The course comprises of one lecture per week and three tutorial sessions. The first tutorial will commence in Week 3. Students are expected to have read the proposed chapters before class. Students should also be prepared to participate in class discussions and activities. Lectures will be recorded for the benefits to those students who are unable to attend in person.

Student Feedback

Feedback provided has not resulted in any substantive changes to the course.

Links to General Course Information

● Academic Integrity and Plagiarism: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/students/support/student-interest-and-conflict-resolution/academic-integrity

● Academic Progress: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/students/study/progress/academic-progress (including restrictions and non-engagement)

● Dates and deadlines: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/students/study/dates

● Grades: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/students/study/progress/grades

● Special passes: Refer to the Assessment Handbook, at https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/documents/policy/staff-policy/assessment-handbook.pdf

● Statutes and policies, e.g. Student Conduct Statute: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/about/governance/strategy

● Student support: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/students/support

● Students with disabilities: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/disability

● Student Charter: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/learning-teaching/learning-partnerships/student-charter

● Student Feedback on University courses may be found at: http://www.cad.vuw.ac.nz/feedback/feedback_display.php

● Terms and Conditions: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/study/apply-enrol/terms-conditions/student-contract

● Turnitin: http://www.cad.vuw.ac.nz/wiki/Turnitin.html

● University structure: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/about/governance/structure

● The Use of Te Reo Māori for Assessment Policy:
Victoria University values te reo Māori. Students who wish to submit any of their assessments in te reo Māori must refer to The Use of Te Reo Māori for Assessment Policy
He mea nui te reo Māori ki te Whare Wānanga o te Ūpoko o te Ika. Ki te pīrangi koe ki te tuhituhi i ō aro matawai i roto i te reo Māori, tēnā me mātua whakapā atu ki te kaupapa here, The Use of Te Reo Māori for Assessment Policy

● VUWSA: https://www.vuwsa.org.nz/

Starting Course

Dates (trimester, teaching & break dates)

● Teaching - 11/07/2022 - 14/10/2022

● Break - 22/08/2022 - 04/09/2022

● Study period - 17/10/2022 - 20/10/2022

● Exam period - 21/10/2022 - 12/11/2022

Class Times and Room Numbers

11/07/2022 - 21/08/2022

● Monday

○ 12:40 - 14:30 Location: Rutherford House, LT2

05/09/2022 - 16/10/2022

● Monday

○ 12:40 - 14:30 Location: Rutherford House, LT2

Other Classes

Students will be allocated to either on-campus or Zoom tutorials. Online tutorials are for students overseas or unable to attend campus classes.

Set Texts and recommended Readings


The course uses Peng (2017), Global Strategy (4th eds). Cengage: US. The book is available in its digital form only. Earlier versions of the hard copy of the book will also work.


The instructions for access the e-book are provided in How to access your MindTap course.pdf in the main Blackboard page.

● Peng (2017), Global Strategy (4th eds). Cengage: US


The lecture slides will be available by the Friday morning before our Tuesday’s class. Additional readings for each topic are also provided in Blackboard should the student has special interests in a particular sub-field

Mandatory Course Requirements

There are no mandatory course requirements for this course.

No Mandatory Requirements Specified.


Take home case study test (word count 1,500)

11 August 2022, 12noon


CLO: 1, 2, 3

Individual Assignment 1 (word count 1,000)

8 September 2022, 12noon


CLO: 1, 2, 3, 4

Individual assignment 2 involves two part:

A recorded presentation (limit 10 mins) 20%

Individual Project Essay (2,000 word count) 30%

22 September 2022, 12noon (presentation) 6 October 2022, 12noon (essay)


CLO: 1, 2, 3, 4


Written assignments must be within ±10% of the prescribed word limit. Any work beyond this scope will not be marked.

Late assignment submissions will incur a penalty of 10 marks (out of 100) per day. For example, an 80% mark becomes 70% after one-day lateness, and 60% after two-day lateness. The penalty for lateness applies from the due date time.


Extensions will be granted only in exceptional circumstances (e.g. illness with supporting medical documents stating the nature and length of impairment) by the IBUS 305 Lecturer. Tutors are not authorised to grant extensions. Extensions need to be arranged before the due date.

Submission & Return

Tutorial exercises will be submitted via Blackboard.

Marking Criteria

Please see Blackboard for details.


This is a 15-point course. In alignment with this, students should plan to allocate, on average, 10 hours of study per week over the 15-week trimester (24 hours of lectures, 3 hours of tutorials and assignment completion included).

Communication of Additional Information

IBUS 305 tutorials commence in Week 3.

Sign up will be via MyAllocator: https://student-sa.victoria.ac.nz/.

During Course

Dates (trimester, teaching & break dates)

● Teaching - 11/07/2022 - 14/10/2022

● Break - 22/08/2022 - 04/09/2022

● Study period - 17/10/2022 - 20/10/2022

● Exam period - 21/10/2022 - 12/11/2022

Mandatory Course Requirements

There are no mandatory course requirements for this course.

No Mandatory Requirements Specified.


Take home case study test (word count 1,500)

11 August 2022, 12noon


CLO: 1, 2, 3

Individual Assignment 1 (word count 1,000)

8 September 2022, 12noon


CLO: 1, 2, 3, 4

Individual assignment 2 involves two part:

A recorded presentation (limit 10 mins) 20%

Individual Project Essay (2,000 word count) 30%

22 September 2022, 12noon (presentation) 6 October 2022, 12noon (essay)


CLO: 1, 2, 3, 4


Written assignments must be within ±10% of the prescribed word limit. Any work beyond this scope will not be marked.

Late assignment submissions will incur a penalty of 10 marks (out of 100) per day. For example, an 80% mark becomes 70% after one-day lateness, and 60% after two-day lateness. The penalty for lateness applies from the due date time.


Extensions will be granted only in exceptional circumstances (e.g. illness with supporting medical documents stating the nature and length of impairment) by the IBUS 305 Lecturer. Tutors are not authorised to grant extensions. Extensions need to be arranged before the due date.

Submission & Return

Tutorial exercises will be submitted via Blackboard.

Marking Criteria

Please see Blackboard for details.

Teaching Plan

Week 0


10 October


Week 1


11 Jul 2022

Topic: Strategizing around the globe

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 1

Lecturers: Siah Hwee Ang

Week 2


18 Jul 2022

Topic: Assessing industry competition

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 2

Lecturers: Siah Hwee Ang

Week 3


25 Jul 2022

Topic: Leveraging resources and capabilities

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 3

Tutorial 1: The Consulting Industry [Peng (2022) Integrative Case 1]

Lecturers: Siah Hwee Ang

Week 4


1 Aug 2022

Topic: Recognising institutions, cultures, and ethics

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 4

Lecturers: Siah Hwee Ang

Week 5


8 Aug 2022

Topic: Internationalising the entrepreneurial firm and grow internationally

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 5

Take-home case study test (due: 12noon Thursday 11 August 2022)

Lecturers: Siah Hwee Ang

Week 6


15 Aug 2022

Topic: Entering foreign markets

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 6

Tutorial 2: LEGO's Secrets [Peng (2022) Integrative Case 3]

Lecturers: Siah Hwee Ang

Week 7


5 Sep 2022

Topic: Analysing global competitive dynamics

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 8

Individual assignment 1 (due: 12noon Thursday 8 September 2022)

Lecturers: Siah Hwee Ang

Week 8


12 Sep 2022

Topic: Managing international portfolios and diversification across the globe

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 9 (pages 224-237)

Tutorial 3: AGRANA: From a Local Supplier to a Global Player [Peng (2022) Integrative Case 18]

Lecturers: Siah Hwee Ang

Week 9


19 Sep 2022

Topic: Creating alliances and acquisitions globally

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapters 7 and 9 (pages 238-247)

Individual assignment 2 presentation (due: 12noon Thursday 22 September 2022)

Lecturers: Siah Hwee Ang

Week 10


26 Sep 2022

Topic: Organising cross-border organizational structures

Reading: Peng (2022) Chapter 10

Lecturers: Siah Hwee Ang

Week 11


3 Oct 2022

Course review & highlights of research and contemporary issues in the international arena

Individual assignment 2 essay (due: 12noon Thursday 6 October 2022

Lecturers: Siah Hwee Ang

Communication of Additional Information

IBUS 305 tutorials commence in Week 3.

Sign up will be via MyAllocator: https://student-sa.victoria.ac.nz/.

End of Course

Mandatory Course Requirements

There are no mandatory course requirements for this course.

No Mandatory Requirements Specified.