关键词 > essay代写 CCT109

CCT109 essay


In a 750 word essay,you are asked to integrate into your analysis, ideally in your thesis, at least one key concept from CCT109 that appears in our readings. If you are unsure what key concepts are appropriate for this assignment, please talk to your TA.
You will need to locate and cite at least one Academic Article or Encyclopedia article from the U of T library that provides you with further understanding of this “old” media.
Your essay should have a focused thesis and use relevant examples from your own experience, the interview you conduct, the readings from class, and your outside research to support your thesis. Your essay must demonstrate familiarity with the themes and concerns of this course, and your work will be graded both on your ability to incorporate course content and your ability to compare “old” and “new” media technologies.
The Bibliography should follow the APA style and include all of your sources, including the interview you conduct. Any discussion that does not originate with you must be properly cited.
Finally, your essay will include an Appendix in which you will provide your own original diagram that demonstrates how this “old” media works which will be accompanied by a 50-100 word explanation of how the media artefact works and functions. This diagram can be drawn freehand or created with imaging and design software. The diagram does not have to be “professional” quality—it simply has illustrate how the “old” media artefact functions.