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MATH 374 Ordinary Differential Equations Assignment 1


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MATH 374 Ordinary Differential Equations

Assignment 1

Problem 1. (2 marks)

the c(S)o(h)mm(ow t)o(h)n i(at)nt(ts)er(i¯n)v(−)al(1t)f(+)or(√)wh(1 −)i(t)c(2)h(is)th(a)e(s)s(o)ol(lu)u(ti)ti(o)o(n)n(o)and(f the) d(d)i(i)f(f)f(f)e(e)r(r)e(e)n(n)t(t)i(i)a(a)l(l) e(e)q(q)u(u)a(a)t(t)i(i)o(o)n(n)x′′mak(=)es(√)se(.Fi)nd

Problem 2. (6 marks)

Find the 1-pa¯rameter family of solutions and then solve each of the initial value problems for the following differential equations:

(a) yy = 2te2t,y(0) = 1

Problem 3. (6 marks)

as aSfunc(upp)tion(ose)to(h)f(a)ti(t¯)m(th)e(e) w(iff)here(eren)tw(ia)e(l)as(eq)s(u)u(a)me t(tion)t s(0) .mea(25p)su(−),in(d)mo(escr)nt(ib)h(e)s(s) .a population

(a) Find the time at which the population becomes extinct if p(0) = 750. (b) Find the extinction time if p(0) = p0, where 0 < p0 < 1400.

(c) Find the initial population p0 if the population will be extinct in 2 years.

Problem 4. (4 marks)

Suppose that¯you would like to make five hundred thousand dollars. To do so you plan on investing k dollars per month for 20 years. Assuming that your annual rate of return is six percent compounded continuously, how much must you invest each month?

Problem 5. (3 marks)

This problem¯ is optional, it will not be marked. However,we expect you solve them in full detail on your own. Be aware, questions which are similar to optional problems may also have a chance to be in the exam.

Consider the first order ODE  = f(x):

(a) Write the improved Euler discrete scheme for this equation.

(b) Derive the local error e for the improved Euler method.