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ADM3301 X & Y – Summer 2022 Assignment 3


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Assignment 3

ADM3301 X & Y  Summer 2022


•    Submission due date: Saturday July 2, 2022, at 11:59 PM Total marks: 33 marks

•    This assignment includes two questions about supply chain management and queuing analysis.

•    This is an individual assignment and must be completed individually and not in collaboration with other students.

•    Please use MS Excel and Queuing Calculator to perform requested analyses. Show your detailed answers and reasoning.

•    For this assignment, upload a solution file containing your answers to the questions, as well as one MS Excel file with the details of your analysis for the analytical question. The solution file must be typed and preferably uploaded in a Pdf format.

•    You may upload several files, but only the most recent submission prior to the deadline will be graded.

•    Please note that all answers must be only the result of your own work without consulting any   online services or websites that assist with finding solutions. Using such services to answer the assignment questions is a violation of academic integrity.

•    Sufficient time is given to complete the assignment and no extension will be granted for any reasons. Please do not leave the assignment to the last minute and ask for extension.

Question 1. Supply Chain Management (10 marks)

Watch the following two supply chain video lectures available on Brightspace under the Supply Chain Management module. Prepare a summary for each lecture talk. Each summary is a short synopsis of the lecture that presents the highlights and key points without injecting any personal opinion. The length of each summary should be between 500 to 600 words. Do not try to make it flow nicely highlight the key points in the lecture and how the relate supply chain management.

Note: The videos are integrated within Brightspace. If run into issues with playing the videos, refresh    your page and try again. You should be able to watch the videos without having to login to the HSTalks.

The impact of globalisation on supply chains

Prof. D. John Mangan University of Newcastle, UK

Sustainable supply chain management

Mr. Mike Bernon – Cranfield School of Management, UK

Question 2. Managing Waiting Lines at the Bank of Ottawa (23 marks)

David completed his MBA degree at the Telfer School of Management a few years ago and he is proud to have been recently promoted to the position of vice president of customer services at the first Bank of Ottawa. One of his responsibilities is to manage how the bank tellers provide services to customers. Therefore, he is focusing on this area of the bank’s operations. According to the data he received from the analytics department of the bank, customers needing teller service arrive randomly at an average Poisson rate of 30 per hour. Customers wait in a single line and are severed by the next available teller when they reach the front of the line. The teller service for each customer takes a variable amount of time, but on average can be completed in three minutes. Assume that service time follows an exponential distribution. The tellers earn an average wage of 18$ per hour. Use Queuing calculator to answer the following questions.

a)   If two tellers are used, what will be the average waiting time for a customer before getting service by a teller? (2 marks)

b)   If two tellers are used, on average how many customers will be in the bank, including those currently being served? (2 marks)

c)   The bank’s policy is to have no more than 10 percent chance that a customer will need to wait more than 5 minutes before being served by a teller. How many tellers need to be used to meet this standard? (5 marks)

d)   David feels that a significant cost is incurred by making a customer wait because of potential loss of future business. David estimates this cost to be 0.50$ for each minute the customer spends in the bank, counting both service time and waiting time. Given this cost, how many tellers should the bank employ? (Hint: Calculate cost of waiting as Cw  * L, where L is the expected number of clients in the system). (4 marks)

e)    The bank has two types of customers: merchant customers and regular customers. The average arrival rate for each type of customer is 15 per hour. Both types of customers currently wait in the same line and are served by the same tellers with the same service time distribution. David is considering changing this and the new process he is proposing will consist of two lines one for merchant customers and one for regular. Each line will have a single dedicated teller serving the line. Under this configuration, what would be the average waiting time for each type of customer before reaching a teller? (2 marks)

f)   Under the dedicated server configuration in part (e), on average, how many total customers would be in the bank, including those currently being served? How do these results compare to those from part (b)? Is the results worse or better? (4 marks)

g)   David feels that if the tellers are specialized into merchant tellers and regular tellers, they would be more efficient and could serve customers in an average of 2.5 minutes instead of 3 minutes. Answer the questions from part (e) & (f) with this new average service time. How do the results compare to part (a) & (b)? (The goal is to compare the scenario of dedicated servers withfaster service rate with the scenario of combined servers with slower service rate.) (4 marks)