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Health Economic Assignment 3


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Health Economic Assignment 3

2.Teen pregnancy is a concern among public health officials and policy makers because of the follow associated problems except:

a.Low birth weight

b.Preterm deliveries


d.Risk of infant mortality

3.Indemnity insurance

a.   reimburses for certain types of losses including fire and theft.

b.   in the basis for most of the health insurance coverage in the U.S.

c.   is sometimes called casualty insurance.”

d.   all of the above.

4. Premiums based on experience ratings

a.   are uniform across age groups.

b.   are based on the loss experience of the insured.

c.   vary depending on the income of the insured.

d.   are only used in property-casualty insurance underwriting.

5. One result of asymmetric information in health insurance markets is

a.   an optimal number of insurance policies sold.

b.   adverse selection.

c.   externalities in consumption.

d.   a low marginal benefit of additional information for the buyer of insurance.

6. Moral hazard and adverse selection are both examples of

a.   the principal-agent problem.

b.   externalities in consumption.

c.   perfect information.

d.   asymmetric information.

7. A group of 100 people seek out an insurance company to underwrite health insurance for its members.   If expected medical spending for the group is $150,000, what will the average premium be if the health insurance company estimates the premium adding net loading costs of 20 percent?

a.   $1,200

b.   $1,500

c.   $1,800

d.   $3,000

8. Firms self-insure to

a.   save money on premiums.

b.   avoid state level insurance regulation.

c.   create uniform benefit packages for employees who live in different states.

d.   all of the above.

Calculation Problem

Assume the health production function is h = 365 − 2/H, where h is the number of healthy days a person has in each year and H is the person’s health capital. Assume this person earns a wage of $100/day, and the marginal cost of health investment π = 25 and is constant over time. The annual interest rate is 5 percent, and health       capital depreciates at a rate of 15 percent per annum.

What is the optimal level of health this person demands under the above conditions? (1.5 pts)

MEC=(w×G)/π, where w is wage rate, π is the marginal cost of health investment, and G=dh/dH=2/H2 . Given the values in this question (w=100, π=25), MEC=8/H2

The cost of capital (COC) = i+δ-a. i = 0.05, δ = 0.15 and a = 0. Thus, COC = 0.20.

The optimal level of health capital is solved using MEC=COC. That is, 8/  H2   =0.20. Thus, H=6.32