关键词 > ECON2223B

ECON 2223B: Assignment 1


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ECON 2223B: Assignment 1

Problem 1

To do this assignment, open the dataset included with the assignment on OWL (savings .xls).  The dataset contains information on individual’s savings deci- sions. It records their income, age, education level, and family size. Information about the dataset can be found in the file SAVING description.txt.

1. Make a scatter-plot of income (x-axis) against savings (y-axis). Does the variance of savings seem to increase with income? Provide a rationale to explain your findings.

2. Estimate βˆ0  and βˆ1  from the following simple regression model.  Report results in a concise table.

savi  = β0 + β1 inci + ui                                                     (1)

(a) Is βˆ1 statistically significant at the 95% confidence level? What about

the 99% and 90% confidence level?

(b) Save the residuals from the regression and make a scatter-plot of income (x-axis) against the residuals (y-axis).  Does the variance of the residuals seem to increase with income? Does this violate one of the statistical assumptions? If so, which one?

3. Estimate βˆ0(o) , βˆ1(o) , βˆ2(o)  from the following multiple linear regression model. Report results in a concise table.

savi  = β0(o) + β1(o)inci + β2(o)educi + ϵi                                         (2)

(a) What is the interpretation of βˆ2(o)? Be precise

(b) Are βˆ1(o)  and βˆ2(o)  statistically significant at the 95% confidence level?

(c) Is βˆ1(o)  from the second regression larger or smaller than βˆ1  from the first regression? Explain your findings.

4. To investigate further what happens to the effect of income on savings when we include education, you are asked to estimate β1(o)  using the regres- sion anatomy method.

(a) Estimate the first stage regression. Report results in a concise table.

inci  = α0 + α 1 educi + νi                                              (3)

(b) save the residuals of the regression, i

(c) Estimate βˆ1(o)  from the second stage regression.  Report results in a concise table.

savi  = β0(o) + β1(o)i + ϵi                                                  (4)

(d) Is Your new estimate of βˆ1(o)  the same as the estimate of βˆ1(o)  from part 3?

5. You are asked to re-answer the question in part 3 (c).  Explain the rela- tionship between βˆ1  and βˆ1(o) .  Pay attention to the sign of 1  and βˆ2(o)  to answer the question.