关键词 > Python代写

Part 1 - General Python Programming Skill Test - Summer 2022


Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: daixieit


Please encode a Python code to perform:   

a) Ask user to type in user’s first name, last name, birthday, age and tel#

b) Display the following message:

My name is XXX  XXX, who was XX years old.  Please call me at (xxx) xxx-xxxx before my birthday XX-XX



Please design a function which will calculate the number of total occurrences for a letter existing in a word.



Please design a function which will display all index numbers of the occurrences for a letter existing in a word.



Please design a Python function which will contain one input argument (any English word), then display the alphabetic order of all letters in this word.



Please design a Python function which will multiply each numerical element inside a List and display its output.



Please create a Python function, which will take a List variable argument, and perform the deletion on its last element, then display the result in terminal.



Please create the following dictionary using Python and list all keys and corresponding value(s).

Monday -> (apple, rice)

Tuesday -> (orange)

Wednesday -> (banana)

Thursday -> (watermelon, pizza)

Friday -> (tomato)



Please design a Python function which will take 3 numerical arguments and output their sum.



Please design a function which will take 2 alphabetic letters, compare them, if letter A is larger than letter B, print “A has higher letter order” else if letter B is larger than letter A, print “B has higher letter order”, else print “They are the same letter”.



Please read in “JSON_Example” TXT document and perform the following tasks:

a. Retrieve all CPU’s mem_e data values

b. Get average value for each CPU’s mem_e values

c. Add one more key named “average” for each CPU and their corresponding value in b) at the same level of “mem_e”.