关键词 > 2PYI20-AT1-T2

2PYI20-AT1-T2 Practical Design Investigation(Magnetic Flux Density)


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Practical Design Investigation(Magnetic Flux Density)

In this practical design investigation you have the opportunity to:

deconstruct a problem to determine the most appropriate method for investigation

formulate an investigable question or hypothesis

select and use appropriate equipment, apparatus, and techniques

identify variables

collect, represent, analyse, and interpret data

evaluate procedures and consider their impact on the results

draw and justify a conclusion

communicate knowledge and understanding of concepts.

The problem

What factors might affect the magnetic field at the pole of a solenoid? Then the effect of the selected factor?

Part A: Deconstruct the problem to determine the most appropriate methodfor investigation


Brainstorm factors that could affect the magnetic field at the pole of a solenoid.

Use the laboratory time to collect necessary setups and trial one or more variables.

Record your observations and consider aspects of the procedure that need to be modified.

Investigation Design (individually) IAE1

Select one variable to investigate and write an appropriate hypothesis.

List the independent and dependent variables, factors to be held constant (including how and why) and factors that may not be able to be controlled (including why not).

List the materials required and a detailed procedure.

Use the results of your trials to justify the details of your method.

Identify ethical and safety considerations

Present your deconstruction ideas, your proposed method and a justification of your  method on a maximum of 4 sides of an A4 page. Consider using a concept map, flow

chart, tables etc. to present your ideas succinctly.

Submit your deconstruction evidence for teacher feedback.

Part B: Conduct the investigation (in pairs)

Use the laboratory time to conduct your investigation and record your results. Part C: Report (individually) IAE2, IAE3, IAE4, KA4

The practical report should include:

introduction with relevant physics concepts, hypothesis and variables


method that was implemented

identification and management of safety and/or ethical risks*

results, including table(s) and/or graph(s)

students use graphical analysis of data to assist in their interpretation

analysis of results, identifying trends, and linking results to concepts

evaluation of procedures and their effect on data, and identifying sources of uncertainty

conclusion, with justification, taking into account the limitations of the investigation.      The report should be a maximum of 1500 words if written, or a maximum of 10 minutes for an oral presentation, or the equivalent in multimodal form.

Your deconstruction evidence should be attached to your report.

The following sections of the report are excluded in the word count:

apparatus, method, safety and results

Performance Standards for Stage 2 Physics


Investigation, Analysis and Evaluation (IAE)

Knowledge and Application (KA)


Critically deconstructs a problem and designs a logical, coherent, and detailed physics investigation.

Obtains, records, and represents data, using appropriate  conventions and formats accurately and highly effectively. Systematically analyses and interprets data and evidence to formulate logical conclusions with detailed justification. Critically and logically evaluates procedures and their       effect on data.

Demonstrates deep and broad knowledge and

understanding of a range of physics concepts.

Applies physics concepts highly effectively in new and familiar contexts.

Critically explores and understands in depth the interaction between science and society.

Communicates knowledge and understanding of physics coherently, with highly effective use of appropriate terms, conventions, and representations.


Logically deconstructs a problem and designs a well- considered and clear physics investigation.

Obtains, records, and represents data, using appropriate   conventions and formats mostly accurately and effectively. Logically analyses and interprets data and evidence to      formulate suitable conclusions with reasonable                   justification.

Logically evaluates procedures and their effect on data.

Demonstrates some depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding of a range of physics concepts.

Applies physics concepts mostly effectively in new and familiar contexts.

Logically explores and understands in some depth the interaction between science and society.

Communicates knowledge and understanding of physics  mostly coherently, with effective use of appropriate terms, conventions, and representations.