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MED5180 Public Health and Eating Behaviour Summative 2 – Essay – Resit


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Summative 2  Essay  Resit

Course work MED5180 Public Health and Eating Behaviour 

Title: Discuss the evidence for the impact of polyphenol rich foods on cognitive function in healthy aging

Contribution to total course assessment: 60% (out of 20 Credits)

Submission date: Wednesday 6th July 2022 at 17:00 GMT




In this essay you will review and discuss  the scientific evidence on sustainable diets and their impact on health but also the challenges to achieve such recommendations at population level.

Students should complete a thorough literature search and review the primary literature. The essay  should demonstrate a sound and critical understanding of evidence-based nutrition in the context of public health nutrition and population health. There is not a set number of papers that you need to   use.  However, you need to cover the area well and the number of papers you review is likely to be   higher than 10 articles. The papers you review should include both observational and intervention    (trial) studies. If systematic reviews exist, they should also be included.

The following are suggestions on how to structure your report; these are not all mandatory but will guide you throughout the process:

1. A title page (Please DO NOT write your name here but just your ID number without the letter suffix, essay title, title of course, date, word count).

2. An introduction which

2.1 Discusses which dietary components could influence cognitive health and refers to   possible mechanisms (e.g. those which may impact on brain function and chronic            inflammation). This part can be supported by diagrams or figures created by you for this purpose (not copied and pasted from other articles).

2.2 Clearly states the purpose and intentions of the essay.

2.4 Briefly describes the methodology used to select studies (search strategy, key words, inclusion/exclusion criteria). This can be aided by a diagram or figure.

3. A main body which

3.1 Discusses the evidence critically and uses primary references

3.2 Considers the study designs within the hierarchy of evidence

3.3 Reflects upon the strengths and limitations of the evidence around this topic 4. A conclusion which

4.1 Brings together the main findings

4.2 Includes your interpretation of the evidence to provide recommendations 5. References.

You should use the Harvard Style for formatting your reference list. Marks will be deducted if essays do not conform to this style.

Use of evidence tables: Primary references (in point 3.1) can be organised in evidence tables to help summarise findings and to organise the flow of information with consideration of the hierarchy of    evidence. These tables are not mandatory but will help organise ideas and present a good summary

of evidence. The key findings and critique of each study should then be extracted from the evidence tables and summarised in the main body. Evidence tables will be referred to in the text and placed   accordingly as they appear.

Essays will be assessed on the basis of their quality which means finding the right papers and not just a few which agree with a preconceived idea (i.e. no cherry picking).

Essays must be typed on A4 paper and 1.5 spaced using a portrait orientation. For evidence tables it is better to use landscape orientation and single spacing, the two orientations should be used wisely and logically.

Essays should be 2500 words and you must provide a word count. Figures, diagrams, tables and         references will not be included in the word count. A 10% plus/minus margin for the word count is      allowed. Students who exceed the word count by over 10%, with infringements of between 11% and 25% shall receive a penalty of one grade band deduction. Essays which exceed the word count by      over 25%, will be marked to 2500+10% words and no further


To complete a good essay please consider that it will take at least 2 full working weeks alongside your other studies.

Please read the instructions carefully.


Intended learning outcome

•  Critically discuss the fundamental principles of nutritional epidemiology and public health nutrition.

 Critically evaluate epidemiological evidence linking foods, nutrients, eating patterns and        physical activity to the aetiology of major diet-related diseases (e.g. obesity, type II diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease).

Association for Nutrition (AfN) competencies

CC1i - Nutrition in health and disease, consequences of an unbalanced diet for either human or animal systems.

CC1p - Health research methods, dietary nutrition methodologies and nutritional epidemiology for either human or animal systems

CC4g Ability to recognise strengths and weaknesses in dietary, nutrition and health research       methods, in order to understand the limitations of the scientific basis of nutritional knowledge for either human or animal systems.