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MED5180 Public Health and Eating Behaviour Summative 1 – Case Study RESIT


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Summative 1  Case Study RESIT

Course work MED5180 Public Health and Eating Behaviour

Title: Development of an evidence-based strategy to solve a Public Health Nutrition Problem This assignment contributes 40% to your overall PHEB course grade.

Your written report will contribute 30% and presentation 10% (of the course grade). Due date:  Monday  4th of July at 17:00 GMT.


Reducing children’s total sugar consumption is recommended because of evidence showing       associations between high sugar intake and overweight as well as poor dental health outcomes. However,  globally, children consume higher amounts of sugar compared to current                      recommendations. Thus, actions are needed to tackle this public health nutrition problem.

In this case study you will propose a theoretical solution to this problem. The aim is to develop a    programme to promote low sugar intake in school age children.  This can be either a single or a       combination of interventions/actions at population level. The setting (i.e. community, country) for

the case study is the UK or Scotland as there is easy access to existing statistics and policy                    documents. However, if you want to focus your case study in another setting, e.g. your own country

this is also acceptable but you need to consider having access to existing data such as prevalence statistics and existing policies or initiatives that can be used for assessing and understanding the problem and that can be cited as a reference.


Individual Report

You will produce a written report. The report will provide basic elements for a solution to the problem.

The case study report will include the following:

1. A brief presentation of the problem and an assessment of factors associated with the problem.     This will be supported and developed based on existing epidemiological evidence – if information is  not available you need to highlight this. The use of a theoretical framework (e.g. Ecological Model or the Social Determinants of Health) is recommended for this assessment.

2. A brief review of effective actions/programmes to address the problem (with key outcomes and critique of the quality of evidence). This brief review will include a minimum of 5 papers and a         maximum of 10. The review of evidence can be organised using an evidence table and will be          informed by the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion.

3. A list of actions that will be included in the programme. This will be based on the review of             existing evidence (point 2). The actions will cover the following aspects from the Ottawa charter: i)    Building Healthy Public Policy, ii) Create supportive environments, iii) Strengthen Community Action,

iv) Develop personal skills and v) Reorient health services.

4. Propose an evaluation plan – how would you measure effectiveness, what tools will be used,         when will data will be collected. Caveat: This case study is not a research proposal per se, thus there is no need to design a scientific experiment.

Remember that each aspect is interlinked with each other, e.g. the needs assessment (point 1)         should be linked to interventions (point 2) and these consequently should inform the actions             proposed in point 3. The evaluation plan should address the actions and outcomes relevant to each action.

Report word count: Individual report of 1500 words +/- 10% (excluding tables, figures and                   references).  Students who exceed the word count by over 10%, with infringements of between 11% and 25% shall receive a penalty of one grade band deduction. Assessments that exceed the word      count by more than 25% will be marked to the 1650 word count.

The report will be typed in an A4 document with normal margins, 1.5 line spacing using Times New   Roman font 11. The cover page should include your student ID and a word count. The references will be in Harvard style.


You will produce a 5-minute power point presentation that provides a clear summary of your case    study. The power point will be delivered with a 5-minute recording of you presenting the slides. Please turn on your camera for your presentation. The recorded presentation will be             submitted as a hyperlink in a word document with a clear identification using your student  ID number. The recording will be done using zoom. Please make sure the hyperlink works    prior to submission in moodle.

The presentation should explain and present your case study for a lay audience. The power point presentation will include the following.

1. A brief introduction

2. Key findings from the assessment

3. The main actions proposed

4. How the programme will be evaluated.

5. A list of key references

The presentation will be marked based on:

- Ability to succinctly present information to a lay audience

- Quality and clarity of slides

- Creativity

- Engagement


Intended learning outcomes

• Using an evidence-based approach discuss the principles of health and nutrition promotion and critically review the effectiveness of various strategies to promote dietary change at the individual, group, community and population level.

Association for Nutrition (AfN) competencies

CC1p - Health research methods, dietary nutrition methodologies and nutritional epidemiology for either human or animal systems

CC1q -Theories of and development of practical skills in communication and learning         CC3a Food or feed and nutrition and health policy (at global, national and local level) for either human or animal systems.

CC3b - Significance of evaluation of nutrition in maintaining and driving public health agendas CC3c - Factors that affect an individuals, communitiesand population groups            nutritional needs and practices for either human or animal systems.

CC3d - Religious and cultural beliefs and practices that impact on food, nutrition and health



CC3e - Consideration of financial/social and environmental circumstances on diet and nutritional intake.

CC3f - Theories and application of methods of improving health, behaviour and change for either human or animal systems.

CC3g - Design and implementation of intervention projects and programmes, methods for monitoring and evaluating effectiveness and efficiency.

CC3h - Theories of nutrition health education and nutrition health promotion (hu mans only)

CC4g - Ability to recognise strengths and weaknesses in dietary, nutrition and health research  methods, in order to understand the limitations of the scientific basis of nutritional knowledge for either human or animal systems.

CC5d - Responsibilities and accountability in relation to the current national and international legislation, national guidelines, local policies and protocols and clinical/corporate Governance in relation to nutrition