关键词 > Biological

Part 1 – Design


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Modern biologists have been classifying life into categories according to the         complexity of that life as well as a distinguishable property that can be observed  since the 1700s. Birds are defined as warm-blooded, bipedal, vertebrate animals  who have two wings instead of arms. They are typically covered in feathers and    have a beak instead of a mouth. Bird is one of the largest classes of animals in the bigger Kingdom Animalia.

Some of the classifications of birds (derived in part from BioExplorer.net                  (Links to an external site.)                                                                                           

) include:

●   Birds of prey all have sharp, hooked beaks with visible nostrils. They include hawks, eagles, and osprey.

●   Flightless birds live on the ground and have no (or undeveloped) wings.   They include the emus, kiwis, and moas. Some (but not all) of these birds are extinct.

●   Owls are distinguished by the facial disks that frame the eyes and bill.

●   Parrots have a short, curved beak and are known for their intelligence     and ability to mimic sounds. Many pet parrots can learn a vocabulary of  up to 100 words and often adopt a single "favorite" saying.  They include the rose-ring parakeet, gray parrot, and sulfur-crested cockatoo.

●   Pigeons (or doves) are known for feeding their young "bird milk" very       similar to the milk of mammals. Found all over the world, there are several varieties that are extinct.

●   Shorebirds include the great auk, horned puffin, and African Jacana. They live near water sources including wetlands, freshwater and       saltwater shorelands, even the ocean.

●   Waterfowl are another classification that live near water sources (fresh or salt) and include ducks, swans, and geese.

In this homework you will be asked to design and implement a solution that can be used to keep track of birds according to the above classifications (we are omitting many classifications to keep this assignment relatively confined).  For each            classification of bird, your solution should be able to track each of the following:

●   The type of bird (e.g., duck, horned puffin, etc), their defining               characteristic, whether they are extinct, as well as the number of wings they have.

●   A description of what 2-4 items they prefer to eat from the following list: berries, seeds, fruit, insects, other birds, eggs, small mammals, fish,      buds, larvae, aquatic invertebrates, nuts, and vegetation.

●   For birds that live near water, the name of the body of water that they live by.

●   In the case of parrots, the number of words in their vocabulary as well as their single "favorite" saying.

Part 1 – Design

Before you start to write code, it is a good idea to design your solution. To do this, you need to understand what your program needs to do, decide what classes you  will need, and what methods each class will need. It is a really good idea to think   about how each of theses methods and classes could be tested to ensure the        correctness of your implementation. Thinking about this early will make the coding process much easier. To help you with your design process, you are required to     meet with your professor during the design meeting period listed on Canvas. You   must bring your completed design and test plan to this meeting and be ready to    explain why your design is the right way to solve the problem. Each design             meeting will last approximately 10 minutes.

What to do

Design the data for the above in a way that captures their similarities and                accurately represents the relevant data. Create classes as you see fit and specify  appropriate constructors that allows one to create a question as specified above.   Write a testing plan that thoroughly tests your design. How do your tests convince someone else that your code works correctly? For each test in your design, you should specify what condition you are testing, what example data you will use to    test that and what values you might expect a method to produce (known as the      expected value) when appropriate.

What to submit

A single PDF file with:

●   A UML class diagram containing

○   The classes you will need

   The relationships between the classes

○   What methods and variables those classes have

○   The visibility of those methods and variables

●   A testing plan including for each test case

○   Which condition you are testing

○   What example(s) you would use to test that

You do not need any of your implementation or code.

Part 2 - Development

What to do

Implement the class hierarchy that you specified in Part 1. Create a driver class   (don't be confused by the term driver, it is just another class), it just means a class that  that represents a conservatory that houses many different types of     birds. The conservatory is broken into various aviaries. This new class should:

  Allow you to rescue new birds and bring them into your conservatory

●   Calculate what food needs to be kept and in what quantities

●   Assign a bird to an aviary in the conservatory. Assignments must follow the following criteria:

○   There is a maximum of 20 aviaries in the conservatory

○   Any bird can be inserted into an empty aviary

○   No aviary can house more than 5 birds

○   No extinct birds can be added to an aviary

○   Flightless birds, birds of prey, and waterfowl should not be mixed with other bird types

●   Have a guest look up which aviary a bird is in

●   Print a sign for any given aviary that gives a description of the birds it houses and any interesting information that it may have about that     animal.

●   Print a“map”that lists all the aviaries by location and the birds they house

●   Print an index that lists all birds in the conservatory in alphabetical order and their location

What to submit

Your zip file should contain three folders: src, test and res (even if empty).

●   All your code should be in src/.

●   All your tests should be test/.

●   Your original and revised design document should be in res/.