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CSE3541/5541 (Spring 2022) Lab #4


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Lab #4

CSE3541/5541 (Spring 2022)


    The grader will NOT overcome compiler or debugging errors for you.    All make-ups for lab must be accompanied by a documented and

verifiable excuse well before the deadline. Given the severity of the emergency please inform me as soon as possible.

    Lab submissions will NOT be accepted via email to me or the grader.    Work on the lab on your own. No group work!


Practice with various lighting models, light types, illumination parameters, materials and rendering pathways. Become familiar with how 3D tools, like Unity, use these.


1.   Your first task is to go through the following videos (39 minutes) in this playlist:




You will construct a scene following the 2nd and 3rd video, while also adding  some real-time lighting. Study those videos carefully and repeat them. Some of these steps and additional ones are below.

Additionally, read through the following Unity manual pages:

   Static Game Objects


   Shaders/Built-in shaders/Standard Shader

https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/Manual/shader- StandardShader.html

   Materials/Material Inspector reference

https://docs.unity3d.com/2021.1/Documentation/Manual/class-Material.html     Materials/Using materials with C# scripts

2.   Create a new URP 3D project in Unity2019.3 or higher. Create the folder structure as discussed for Lab1 (Scenes, Materials, Scripts, ...)

3.   Create an interior scene similar to that shown below. This one is 6 planes for the  floor, ceiling and 4 walls, and 3 cubes for the interior cutout. I used a wall            thickness of 0.3 meters and the overall room size is 20x20 meters. Feel free to     model your apartment or some closed arena, we just want some dark areas and     some light areas. Place all of these in an Empty GameObject named Room (make sure to reset its transform before moving objects into it).


4.   For the Camera, set the clear flag to Color and set the color to black. In the Lighting/Environment, Disable the Skybox, set the Realtime Shadow and  Ambient Colors to black.

5.   Create at least 5 PBR materials and add one to all surfaces, giving the floor,      ceiling, back and front, left and right, and inner-walls different materials. The   Unity Asset store has several free PBR materials. Look for ones that are bright  and Updated Recently (sorting option).  Cite what you use in your report. Some

possibilities (Note: You may need to convert the materials to URP):

a.  9t5 PBR Textures Freebies


textures-freebies- 171062

b.  Gridbox Prototype Materials

https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/textures-materials/gridbox- prototype-materials- 129127

6.   Add dynamic lights with Mode set to mixed:

a.   Perhaps a downward facing spotlight in the center of the front room. I      suggest making it slightly angled. Range: 15, light bluish color, Intensity:

8, Indirect multiplier 1.3, Soft Shadows.

10. Add a dynamic (not static) object to your scene. You can move this around with the transform to see how shadows and lights interact with it.

11. Add Light Probes. You can manually place these or better, write an editor script to create them. The illustration below went overboard and has a volume of 835  light probes procedurally.

12. Bake your lighting.

13. (2 points extra credit) Add a transparent sprite (A translucent texture set to Fade) to your scene.

Expected Results


Here is the baked lightmap for the right wall:



For this assignment, you will only hand in a PDF report. Please make sure you submit a detailed report in order to receive full credit.

Please answer the following questions in your report (include the question as well as your answer and use images to explain your answer):

1.   What is in your scene? What is static? What is dynamic?

2.   Where are you lights placed?

3.   For your wall of 8- 10 point-light sources. What is the difference between mixed lighting and baked lighting? Illustrate using images in both settings. Does your  lighting need to be re-baked after changing these settings?

4.   What happens when you turn some of these lights off, like say the first 4 in your hierarchy? Is there a difference when you turn off the first few in your hierarchy versus the last few?

5.   What seems to be a good number of light probes placed on a grid?

6.   What seems to be a good number of light probes adjusted as in the videos?

7.   Why does my image of the right wall have a red tint?

8.   What is a PBR material?

9.   What is the difference between real-time, baked and mixed light modes?

10. How much memory did your baked lighting require?