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6COSC023W – Final Project Report


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6COSC023W – Final Project Report

1. Introduction

Introduce the project, include the problem statement, project aim(s) and objectives.

1.1 Problem statement

500 words

Give some background on the problem you intend to solve and the need for the software/application. Use references to support your statements when possible, illustrations, diagrams and figures, if needed.

1.2 Aim and Objectives

300 words

The aim(s) describe, in a few sentences, the overarching purpose(s)/intention(s) of the software/application. What is the point of developing the software/application, what you wish to achieve?

Objectives describe with some detail the individual steps you will take to fulfil the project aim(s).

2. Background

Include a literature survey in the research topic, discuss existing similar or relevant applications to yours and the result of a review of tools and techniques that are used to tackle projects similar to yours.

2.1 Literature survey

800 words

Describe initial results of a literature survey on a selected research topic or application area related to your project subject.  Use relevant books, published research articles as well as Internet content for the purpose. Make use of in-text references to indicate your sources.

2.2 Review of projects / applications

800 words

Describe your background research on existing projects/software/applications relevant to yours, their advantages, and disadvantages. Use illustrations, diagrams, screenshots for the purpose.

You may produce a Table of Features in this section, comparing the main features of the above projects/software/applications and the one you developed.

A comparison table may also be provided to distinguish the key characteristics of features/methods/algorithms/techniques relevant to your project.

2.3 Review of tools and techniques

500 words

Describe results of a survey on relevant tools that can be used to develop applications such as the one you built for your project, such as programming languages and environments, libraries. List their advantages and disadvantages. Use illustrations, diagrams, screen-shots for the purpose.

3. Legal, social and ethical issues

200 words

Consider any legal, ethical, social, professional and security issues associated with your research and the software/application you are building and/or the data you are collecting/analysing.

4. Methodology

700 Words

Describe the life cycle stages of the project, methodology, and development techniques you followed in the design and implementation of your project.

As examples: Gantt chart for life cycle, Waterfall or Agile for development methodology. Use an appropriate methodology for the project and list the key steps and milestones.

Discuss the implementation of your project and your consideration for UX, UI. Describe your testing methodology and give adequate examples, e.g., unit testing for typical client-server applications, white box for algorithmic and mission critical code, user testing metrics like effectiveness, efficiency, error prevention etc. Discuss why your chosen methodology is suitable for the project.

Use diagrams where necessary (like flowcharting, menu maps, data flow diagrams – storyboards – prototyping).

Please note that even if you are using Agile methodology, you will still need to provide a high-level waterfall plan with key milestones, with any agile iterations also detailed in this report.

5. Design

700 Words

Describe your final software structure using diagrams where necessary.

Describe design issues related to your software/application, discuss how the proposed project design will be implemented and the tools you will be using for doing so.

Discuss in some detail (if relevant) issues relating to:

· User Interface

· Infrastructure

· Functionality

· Algorithm development

· Content creation

· Other

Discuss how these address the project requirements.

Use appropriate design methods for your project and extend your design to include implementation details that were not included in your Project Specification Design and Prototype (PSPD) report. e.g. make use of Flowcharting, menu maps, data flow diagrams – storyboarding – prototyping – assets development, use UI design methodology and heuristics for predominately UX based projects. It is up to you to use the appropriate design that best describes your implementation.

6. Tools and implementation

6.1 Tools

300 words

Describe the tools (authoring tools, programming environments & languages, libraries,) you used for the development of your application. Justify your choices.

State existing skills development and any new skills you employed for building your project.

6.2 Implementation

2200 words

Explain implementation of main code by use case. Include pseudocode or snippets of any novel code. Highlight any code that is adopted/adapted and give the original sources. Make references to your design documentation where appropriate.

7. Testing

Create sufficient test cases to determine that the applications satisfy the requirements and works correctly.

7.1 Test coverage

800 words

Discuss black box (including users) and/or white box testing against the requirements. Include specific test cases labelled by the relevant requirements.

7.2 Test methodology

700 words

Describe how the output was tested and why. Discuss how you obtained and used feedback, using expert or/and non-expert users.

8. Reflections and conclusions

1000 words

Provide critical reflections on ALL aspects of the project lifecycle. Include conclusions on the resulting application, research, and findings. Reflect on each aspect of your project life cycle. Critically evaluate how effectively your results meet your stated objectives. Reflect on strengths and weaknesses of your implementation, discuss the acquisition of any new knowledge and skills and consider further work.

9. References

Include a list of cited in your text items (books, papers, websites, etc.). Use Harvard style for the purpose, or any other preferred standard referencing style.

10. Bibliography

Include here a list of general reading items (books, papers, websites, etc.). List the items in alphabetical order, using Harvard style to describe them.

Appendix I

Provide additional material, if appropriate, in separate appendices.  

Use one Appendix to provide a link to an on-line video demo of the project.

Do not include the entire code in print as an appendix.