关键词 > 6COSC023W

6COSC023W – Project Specifications Design and Prototype


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6COSC023W – Project Specifications Design and Prototype

1. Aim and Objectives

200 words

The aim(s) describe, in a few sentences, the overarching purpose(s)/intention(s) of the software/application. What is the point of developing the software/application, what you wish to achieve?

Objectives describe with some detail the individual steps you will take to fulfil the project aim(s).

2. Requirements

Introduce the project stakeholders, the methods for the elicitation of the project requirements, how you model your requirements and relevant diagrams.

2.1 Stakeholders

100 words

Describe people and, if relevant, organisations who will be administrating, using, and in general affected by your software/application. Define the objectives and what problems the stakeholder intends to solve with the product. Use a relevant diagram, if necessary.

2.2 Elicitation of requirements

600 words

Describe the techniques/procedures you used for gathering requirements. Results will be summarised in this section (use graphs, if necessary).

Notes: Detailed results/raw data from the process of gathering requirements can be included in an Appendix in this document.

2.3 List of requirements 

200 words

List of Functional and Non-Functional requirements of the software/application classifying them as “Essential”, “Desirable” and “Luxury”.

Functional Requirements provide details of how a product should behave and specify what is needed for development.

Non-Functional requirements define system attributes such as security, reliability, performance, maintainability, scalability, and usability.

Note that the requirements only tell you what your project must have and what it must allow users to do. Requirements do not tell you how to design or develop your project to have those features, functions, and content. This will be described at the design chapter and it will expand on how to make sure that the project is organized, written, and designed to satisfy the requirements.

2.4 Requirement analysis and modeling

600 words + diagrams

Describe user expectations and how they will interact with the product.  Use the features, functions, and content described in your scenarios to develop your requirements. Your user scenarios should outline the tasks your users want to complete using the proposed project.

Use formal analysis and design tools to present a high-level model of your intended application and its context. Useful tools will include but are not exclusive to: Requirements, Context Diagram, Stakeholders, Use Cases, Personas, Flow Charts (depending on the project) user interface design and storyboards, and any other UML tools that will give a high level view of the system.

You do not need to go to the implementation details. These can be included in your final report where you may also discuss any modifications to your initial design and relate them to code samples.

3. Prototype

Link to video demonstrating a prototype that should minimally show a sample user interface and discuss your engagement with creating the design and intended functionality. For the prototype you could create an interactive prototype using a tool like Axure, Adobe XD, Figma etc. Here, you can reference your design documents as well as data preparation and planning.

4. References

Include a list of cited in your text items (books, papers, websites, etc.). Use Harvard style for the purpose, or any other preferred standard referencing style.

5. Bibliography

Include here a list of general reading items (books, papers, websites, etc.). List the items in alphabetical order, using Harvard style to describe them.


Appendix I

Provide additional material, if appropriate, in separate appendices.  

Use one Appendix to provide a link to an on-line video demo of the prototype

Do not include any printed code as an appendix.