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2021-22 Individual Coursework RESIT

Appendix 1 – Part A indicative guidance structure

Part A (800 words)

1. You should select an industry for the assignment – state the industry you have selected & provide a brief background on this industry. (Note it is an industry that should be selected, and not an individual company)

· Industries might include manufacturing, retail, transport & logistics, construction, services company, hospitality, clothing company, fast food company, restaurants, marketing company or any public sector organisation (healthcare, education etc.)

Be creative! This industry should be of interest to you, you have a wide scope!

· You may assume your organisation operates at the level of a small to medium sized organisation.

2. Define and discuss the importance of knowledge and information to a business in the industry you have selected

· Draw on your lectures and your wider research to define and discuss the importance of knowledge and information to a business in the industry you have selected.

3. Identify a range of activities that a company in the industry you have selected (in step 1) would typically carry out (select between 5 to 6 activities). Include a range of both ‘primary’ and ‘support’ activities. You may refer to examples of specific companies in your selected industry as part of this discussion.

· In week 3 a ‘value chain analysis’ was discussed where ‘primary’ & ‘supporting’ activities were outlined:

i. Primary activities: Inbound logistics (receiving goods), manufacturing, outbound logistics, sales & marketing, and service activities.

ii. Secondary activities: Procurement, finance, Human Resources, I.T department.

4. Based on the range of activities you have identified in step 3, identify information management systems that would be able to help the organisation carryout out these activities

· In week 3’s lecture, ‘categories’ of information management systems were covered, as well as ‘types’ of information systems.

· Complete wider reading and research to help identify how information systems are used in real-life to help organisation’s (in your chosen industry) carryout these activities. Use examples!

· Benefits and limitations of information management systems can be outlined as part of this section

5. Overall conclusion:

· Include an overall summary of the key findings of your report and how information systems can help organisations meet their objectives for a company in the industry you selected.