关键词 > ITS64504



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Group Assignment (40%)

Important Notes:

1.  Module Learning Outcome: On completion of this alternative assessment, students should be able to:

MLO2: Apply the basic concepts and client-server web development technologies to evaluate and solve topic-specific problems and web systems.

MLO3: Develop a dynamic and interactive web-based application using client-side and server-side scripting languages, database, XML, AJAX, and JSON.

2.  Form a group of 3-5 students.

3. A user manual is required to be submitted (Softcopy in PDF). It must introduce your web application and guide the user how to use it. All the developed features and functions must be stated. Screenshots of your designs, features, and pages to be included.

4.   Cover page of the assignment should be included.

5.   In the case of using any references (articles, web pages, etc.), you should cite the        references in your writing add also add the references at the bottom of your report/user manual.

6.  Report of similarity of the report must be submitted (maximum accepted similarity is 20%).

7.   Only one member of each group is required to submit the assignment.

8.  All related files to this assessment (user manual, similarity report, all the files created during development, and a copy of developed database) must be compressed into one zip file,

named it as [YourName].zip.

9.   Submit the zip file toTIMeS.                    10.Achieved marked will be capped to 40%.

Task description:

You are required to develop a dynamic and interactive web-based application using client-side and server-side scripting languages, database, XML, AJAX, and JSON. You need to propose an idea for developing a website and get approval from your lecturer. Then you must follow the proposal that you have submitted. However, you may change your application slightly rather than following the exact design that you have submitted earlier to the lecturer.

Your web application should at least contain the following functions and features:

➢ A SQL Database

➢ PDO is used to connect to the SQL Database

➢ HTML5 form is present

➢ Create (insert), read, update(modify) and delete can be performed from the browser to alter the information in the SQL database.

Additionally, you can also include the following function and features to enhance your web application:

➢ Usage of cookies and sessions

➢ Encryption technique has been used to store password in database

➢ Protection against SQL injection

➢ Protection against HTML injection

➢ Server-side form validation with Php

➢ Client-side form validation with HTML5 or JavaScript

➢ Usage of CSS to make website visually appealing.

➢ You are required to demonstrate the usage of AJAX.

➢ You are required to demonstrate the usage of XML or JSON.

*Note: For the implementation of AJAX, XML and JSON, it would be the best if you are able to incorporate it into the entire web application. However, given the time frame of the assessment, you may just demonstrate the implementation for a certain part of your system to attain the marks as deliberated in the marking rubrics.