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CST2110 Resit Assessment Part 2


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CST2110 Resit Assessment Part 2

General information

You are required to submit your work via the dedicated resit assignment link in the module myUnihub space by the specified deadline. This link will ‘timeout’ at the submission deadline. Your work will not be accepted as an email attachment if you miss this deadline. Therefore, you are strongly advised to allow plenty of time to upload your work prior to the deadline.

Your submission (ZIP file) must also include a completed declaration of authenticity using the form provided in the module myUnihub space. Your work will not be marked if you do not complete and submit the declaration.

Submission should comprise a single ‘ZIP’ file. This file should contain a separate, cleaned1, NetBeans project for each of the three tasks described below. The work will be compiled and run in a Windows environment,  so it is strongly advised that you test your work in a Windows environment prior to cleaning and submission.

Figure 1: When the ZIP file is extracted there should be three folders named Task1, Task2 and Task3

Accordingly, when loaded into NetBeans, each task must be a separate project as illustrated by Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Each task must be a separate NetBeans Project                 To make this easier, a template NetBeans project structure is provided for you to download.

Task 1 (20 Marks)

Create a NetBeans project for this task, named Task1.

You are required to write a Java 8 program that opens and reads a delimited data file that is located relative to the NetBeans project root folder. The delimited data file contains information about (fake) insurance        companies. The data file is called insurance-data.txt. The data file must not be altered and should be             considered as a read-only data file.

The data file is delimited in a consistent structure and contains entries relating to twenty (fake) insurance   companies (with fake details). Each entry contains a series of data fields representing the following               information: the name of the company, a telephone number, a web address, a list of the types of insurance cover offered by the company, a broker percentage, and a general description of the company.

You are required to implement a Java class to represent the insurance company information with respect to this data set. The program should parse the data file and create and store a collection of objects for each      entity. Figure 3 provides a partial UML class representation of the class that you will need to implement. The class model indicates the data members and accessor (i.e., getter) methods that map to those data                 members, and a toString() method for the InsuranceCompany class. It is left to you to determine how the      objects should be initialised.

Figure 3: UML class specification for InsuranceCompany class

Once all the objects are loaded into the collection, the program should present the User with a console-         based menu to interact with the data set. This menu should loop until the User enters a character to exit the menu (e.g., zero as illustrated below). In addition to an exit option, the menu should offer three other            options: list all insurance companies, select a single insurance company (to display its details), and perform a search on company insurance cover.

On starting the program, the following menu should be displayed to the console:

List insurance companies .......1

Select insurance company. ......2

Exit 0

Enter choice:>

The User can simply exit the program by entering zero. The other menu options allow the User to inspect the information in the data set (note again that this program is entirely read-only and there is no requirement to add, update or delete any part of the data set). The necessary interaction of the program with respect to        these three user options (i.e., list, select and search) is illustrated in Appendix A.

Note that console output should be neatly formatted, and some consideration will be given to formatting  when the program is assessed. In particular, when the option to view a single insurance company details is selected, it should result in the invocation of the toString() method for that particular InsuranceCompany object. You are encouraged to explore and utilise a StringBuilder object when implementing the toString() method for the InsuranceCompany class.

Task 2 (40 Marks)

Create a new NetBeans project, called Task2.

For this task you are required to write a Java 8 program that incorporates a series of Java classes that             represent the core logic of an application and provides a NetBeans console user interface. The required Java application relates to a proposed software system to manage some aspects of administration for a small       company that owns several stores.

System domain

The company owns two kinds of store: local newsagents and small supermarkets. Each store has a unique name. The company keeps records of every customer registered in their customer rewards scheme. Every customer has a unique customer identifier (alphanumeric) and is given one reward point each time they   make a shopping trip to one of the company’s stores. The products bought during each shopping trip are  recorded but no record is kept of the quantity of each product bought.

Each product has a unique name and is categorised as a type of product (e.g., fruit, vegetable, general            household etc.). Supermarkets stock a full range of products, whereas newsagent’s stock only stationary and confectionary products. Every supermarket is partitioned into aisles, each containing products pertaining to  the category (type) of product e.g., there will be an aisle that contains all the fruit products, and aisle that     contains all the meat products etc.

Use cases

Use case 1: List Stores Shopping Trips. The system allows the User (i.e., the administrator) to select a store from a list of stores owned by the company which are displayed to the console.  Following the User               selection, the system displays the name of each registered customer who has made a shopping trip to that  store, together with their customer number. For each such customer, the system also displays the date of   each shopping trip to the store made by the customer and the total amount paid for the products bought    during that shopping trip. The list of trips presented to the user should be ordered by the date of the            shopping trip.

Use case 2: List Customers Shopping Trips. The system allows the User (i.e., the administrator) to select a   customer from a list of registered customers which is displayed to the console. Following the User selection, the system displays the number of reward points gained by the customer and, for each shopping trip made  by the customer, the date of the shopping trip, the name of the store visited, the name of each product        bought during that trip and the description of its type. The list presented to the user should be ordered by    the date of the shopping trip.

Use case 3: Record Customers Shopping Trip. The software system prompts the User (i.e., the           administrator) to select a customer from a list of registered customers which is displayed to the          console. The User is then prompted to enter a store from a list of stores displayed to the console. If   the selected store is a newsagent, then the User is presented with a list of all confectionary and          stationary products. The system allows the User to specify a list of products (from those listed) for     that shopping trip. Once all required items are selected, the system records the shopping trip and      displays a message to the console confirming the details of the shopping trip. If the selected store is  a supermarket, the User is prompted to first select an aisle. On selection of an aisle, the User is           presented with a list of all products contained within that aisle and prompted to select a product to   be added to the current shopping basket. The User should be allowed to continue shopping from any aisle until the User indicates that there are no further products required, in which case the system     records the shopping trip and displays a message to the console confirming the details of the               shopping trip.

Your task is to implement a Java 8 program for the store administration system described above, which         provides a console-based (text I/O) user interface that facilitates the use cases listed above. An initial             analysis of the domain has already been completed, and a class model has been designed as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Class model of the store domain.

The class diagram above is provided as a design for your Java implementation, i.e., your application must       include Java classes for the above class model as a minimum. You can extend/enhance the model if you wish to, but the above model structure must be implemented as specified. You are not required to submit any      UML for this task.

So that the three use cases specified above can be tested, your program must provide a console-based User interface menu, with a selectable menu item for each of the three use cases.  Your application should pre-   load some ‘dummy’ data into the application, but also allow information to be input (use case 3) during        runtime. Pre-loaded data should be achieved by coding data directly within the Java program. It should not use an external database link (e.g., such as an SQL database). All pre-loaded data should be read-only. Any   data that is input during the runtime of the Java program should be volatile i.e., it should exist only for the   time the program is executing and should not be stored to non-volatile location such as an external file or a database.

Task 3 (15 Marks)

Create a new NetBeans project, called Task3.

For this task you are required to program a JavaFX Graphical User Interface (GUI), with a focus on layout and some event handling.

This program must be coded as a JavaFX program following the approach described in the lecture series and Chapters 14 to 16 of the kortext. It must not be created using a visual drag-and-drop tool, and must not be   an FXML program, neither of which have been taught on the module. If the submission is either a drag-and- drop application, or a FXML application, then it will simply be awarded zero marks.

The GUI application that you need to create is a smart home controller simulation. The required design is illustrated in Figure 5a below.

Figure 5a: Smart home controller simulation user interface

The application comprises several areas representing controls for CCTV, lighting, central heating, and a       house alarm. Each area on screen comprises JavaFX nodes and controls (e.g., Labels, ImageViews, Buttons, TextFields, and Sliders).

There are several interactive aspects to the GUI:

•    For the CCTV area, each of the four ImageViews should be mapped to one of the four ToggleButtons. Clicking on any of the four ToggleButtons should result in the associated image being blacked out’    (clicking again would reveal the image again).

•    For the lighting area, the colour of each Circle object should change in response to the associated horizontal slider being dragged. When the Slider is dragged to the left the colour should ‘darken’, and when dragged to the right, the colour should lighten’ .

•    For the central heating area, the RadioButtons should operate correctly in that only one RadioButton can be selected at a time (i.e., they are mutually exclusive in terms of selection). The Slider must be   vertical and when dragged up or down the value in the TextField must be updated to reflect the         value on the Slider.

The results of these interactions are illustrated in Figure 5b below

Figure 5b: Results of event interaction with the smart home controller simulation

The alarm section should allow the User to select one of three modes (armed, disarmed, or part-armed) by    clicking with the mouse. They should be highlighted accordingly, with only one option selected at a time (i.e., they should be mutually exclusive such that when one is switched on, the other two options are switched      off). Figure 5c (below) illustrates the selection of the ‘part-armed’ option:

Figure 5c: Result of clicking the part-armed’ option with the mouse

To assist in explaining how this JavaFX simulation GUI should operate, a video demonstration of a prototype will be made available to view in the module myUnihub space.

Your task is to write a JavaFX program that replicates (as closely as possible) the GUI layout and design as       illustrated in Figures 5a, 5b and 5c. Styling of widgets must be achieved programmatically using node and      control property setting directly (e.g., by using the relevant ‘setStyle’ method for the respective Node             objects). In other words, all layout and styling should be contained within the Java code, use standard JavaFX components, and not by use of a separate CSS file or external custom JavaFX GUI libraries. It is advised that   you focus on layout aspects first with regards to the main screen, and when you have a working layout then  focus on the interactive and dynamic aspects of the application.