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Math 3618 Sample Final Exam A


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Math 3618

Sample Final Exam A

1.  (30 points) Answer the following multiple choice questions.

(a) You are given that modified duration is 7.46 and convexity is 111, at an annual effective interest rate of 8%, for an investment that is currently trading for 10,000. Estimate the price of this asset if effective interest rate increases to 9%.

(a) 9143         (b) 9199           (c) 9254           (d) 9310 (e) 9365         (f) 10691         (g) 10746         (h) 10802

(b) You are given the following spot rates for zero coupon bonds:

Term     Spot Rates

1 year

2 years

3 years

4 years

Find the one year forward rate for second year.

(a) 5.00%             (b) 4.5%             (c) 5.25%             (d) 5.75%             (e) 5.13%

(c) A 120,000 loan is repaid by monthly payments at the end of each month for 120 months. The interest rate charged by the loan is 3% compounded monthly. Find the level monthly payment.

(a) 858.73

(d) 1156.49

(b) 860.54

(e) 1158.73

(c) 872.31

(f) 3706.79

(d) Suppose an annual effective rate of interest of 4.3%.

Find the equivalent rates from the answers below:

(A) 4.00%

(B) 4.12%

(C) 4.21%

(D) 4.23%

(E) 4.30%

(F) 4.37%

(G) 4.39%

(H) 4.49%

(I) 4.59%

(J) 4.62%

(K) 4.70%

(L) 4.78%

(M) 4.81%

(N) 4.93%

(O) 5.00%

i. Annual effective rate of discount:

ii. Nominal rate of interest compounded quarterly:

iii. Force of Interest per annum:

2.  (25 points) Answer the following multiple choice questions:

(a) At an annual effective interest rate of 7%, what is the combined present value of

$1 at t = 0, $1 at t = 1, $1 at t = 2, . . . $1 at t = 10?

(a) 8.02          (b) 7.52           (c) 7.02           (d) 7.50 (e) 16.89         (f) 14.78         (g) 13.82         (h) 15.78

(b) For the two questions below, the annual rate of ination is 4% and the nominal

rate of interest is 5%.

i. Find the real interest rate (a) 9.2%

(d) 9.0%

(b) 0.95%

(e) 0.96%

(c) 1.0%

(f) 8.8%

ii. $100 is invested today. In 3 years, what is the accumulated value in nominal dollars?

(a) 97.17

(d) 112.49

(b) 102.91

(e) 115.76

(c) 103.03

(f) 130.22

(c) Suppose that we have the following spot and forward rates:

1               4.00%

3               5.40%

4               5.90%

Find the price of a 3 year 100 par value bond with 3% annual coupons with redemption value 100.

(a) 86.26

(e) 104.86

(b) 87.97

(f) 106.42

(c) 91.02

(g) 106.73

(d) 93.58

(h) 108.98

(d) You are considering the following investment:

You pay $100 at t = 0, in exchange for

You receive $200 at t = 10 years.

Compute the net present value of this investment at a 4% effective annual interest rate.

(a) 0          (b) -35.11        (c) -51.98        (d) -100 (e) 8.11         (f) 35.11          (g) 51.98         (h) 100

3.  (25 points) Answer the following short answer questions:

(a) Suppose you have an asset that will pay the following two payments:

$1000 in two years;

$1250 in four years.

Find the modified duration of this investment at an annual effective interest rate of 5%.

(b) A $10,000 loan is repaid over 20 years by annual level payments of 943.93.  In- terest charged on the loan is 7% annually. Find the amount of the 12th payment that is principal.

(c) The following are equivalent:

i = 0.06130

i )12)  = 0.05964

δ = 0.05949

d = 0.05776

d )12)  = 0.05935

v = 0.94224

Compute the following terms; round to the .001 digit (i.e. .xxx):

i. 12

ii.  a12

iii.  a2)

4. (20 points) Amy takes out a loan that requires her to pay 8, 16, 24, 32, . . . , 240 at the

end of years 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . , 30, respectively. The interest rate charged by the loan is 4% annual effective.

(a) Compute her original loan amount.

(b) Compute her outstanding loan balance immediately after the 28th payment.

5.  (20 points) Barry purchases a 5 year 1000 par value bond with 8% annual coupons that is priced to yield 6% effective annually. Its redemption value is also 1000.             (a) Find the price of the bond.

(b) Find the premium of the bond.

(c) Find the amount of the rst coupon that is for the amortization of the premium.

6.  (20 points) A company owes 500 and 1000 to be paid at the end of year one and year four, respectively.  The company will set up an investment program to match the duration and the present value of the above obligation using an annual effective interest rate of 10%. The investment program produces asset cash ows of X today and Y in three years.

Calculate X.

(b) Determine whether the investment program satisfies the conditions for Reding- ton immunization.

7.  (20 points) Emily buys a perpetuity with its rst payment immediately after buying it. The payments of the perpetuity are $200 each year.

As Emily collects the payments, she puts them into a fund that has an effective annual rate of interest of 5%.

Right after Emily collects the tenth payment, she sells the perpetuity.  She was able to sell the perpetuity for its present value, at sale date, with an assumption of a 4% effective interest rate going forward.

She uses the funds of the sale as well as her investment fund for a down payment on a house.

Find the following quantities: amount in 5% interest fund right after 10th payment of perpetuity is placed in fund; amount that Emily sold the perpetuity for; and the amount that Emily had for her down payment. Round each to .xx