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ITEC103 Introduction to Software Design


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ITEC103 Introduction to Software Design

1. Complete method highest in source file Task1.java. Requirements of the method are provided above the method header. The completed method, if correct, should pass the test(s) in Task1Test.java

2. Complete method countZeros in source file Task2.java. Requirements of the method are provided above the method header. The completed method, if correct, should pass the test(s) in Task2Test.java

3. Complete class Circle in source file Circle.java. A circle is represented by x and y coordinates of the center and its radius. Store these attributes as double (although the tests help you identify this pretty clearly). Add,

(a) getters

(a) setters (for radius, assign absolute value of the parameter passed for radius; for x, y, any values are acceptable)

(b) default constructor. The default constructor should initialize all data members to 0.

(c) parameterized constructor

(e) method area that returns the area of the circle calculated as Math.PI * radius * radius.

(f) method equals(Circle other) that returns true if both circles are equal in size and false otherwise.

The completed class, if correct, should pass the test(s) in CircleTest.java

4. Complete method linearSearch in source file Task4.java by completing incomplete sections of the code. The comments should help you a lot in doing this. Requirements of the method are provided above the method header. The completed method, if correct, should pass the test(s) in Task4Test.java

5. Complete method sort in source file Task5.java. Requirements of the method are provided above the method header. The completed method, if correct, should pass the test(s) in Task5Test.java

6. NOTE: This is the only question that will be hand-marked as well to assess if you can write appropriate tests or not. Complete test case testIsAscending in source file Task6Test.java to expose errors in isAscending of class Task6.java. Requirements of the method are provided above the method header. Once completed, correct the method isAscending. The completed method, if correct, should pass testIsAscending in Task6Test.java. Of course, you can write a test containing assertTruetrue and your method, whatever it does, will pass the test. But you will not get any marks in that case because we are assessing the test as well.

7. Complete method stepsToZero in source file Task7.java. Requirements of the method are provided above the method header. The completed method, if correct, should pass the test(s) in Task7Test.java

8. Complete method reverse in source file Task8.java. Requirements of the method are provided above the method header. The completed method, if correct, should pass the test(s) in Task8Test.java

9. Complete method highest in source file Task9.java. Requirements of the method are provided above the method header. The completed method, if correct, should pass the test(s) in Task9Test.java

10. Complete method containsOnlyOnesAndZeroes in source file Task10.java. Requirements of the method are provided above the method header. The completed method, if correct, should pass the test(s) in Task10Test.java