关键词 > ACCT90013



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Mock Examination - Semester 1 2022




Questrix Ltd. is a publicly listed Australian pharmaceuticals company. It employs a large team of pharma sales representatives (“sales reps”), who focus on marketing Questrix’ products to general practitioners. Sales reps are paid based on compensation contracts which specify commissions based on original orders of Questrix products by general practitioners.

In 2021, several of the sales reps were caught falsifying documents and overstating product quantities in orders to claim commissions on sales that did not occur. Investigations by the ASIC revealed that this practice goes back as far as 2016 and that management learned about these practices in early 2020 but only decided to take steps to curb them in 2021.

(a) Discuss whether the case of Questrix represents a moral hazard problem, an adverse selection problem, or both moral hazard and adverse selection problems. Specify the assumptions you base

your discussion on.                                                                                                               (10 marks)


Sales repsdecisions to falsify documents and overstating product quantities are seemingly unobservable and thus private information by the respective rep. The sales rep uses their     information advantage to profit from commissions, establishing a moral hazard problem. (4 marks)

Further management learned about this practice but did not act in a timely manner. Now it     depends on whether there was any benefit to be gained from negligence. Since under current revenue recognition practices revenues are recorded when control over products changes to    customers, the overstated orders imply that too many products are shipped and delivered, at   which point revenues are recognized. This implies that revenues and thus profits were likely  overstated at the end of a financial year and, given that management is compensated based on profits (assumption), this also gives rise to an adverse selection problem because overstated   financial information misleads investors and investors anticipate such issues and may be less inclined to, e.g., participate in an SEO due to their information disadvantage. (6 marks)

(b) Briefly discuss two actions that could be taken by Questrix’ management to curb the misconduct

in its sales team.

(6 marks)

Answer: (3 marks each)

1.   Change compensation practices: Questrix may adjust its compensation of sales reps by only paying commission if GPs do not return any product.

2. Introduce adequate oversight and controls: Firm may hire additional staff which confirms internally submitted orders with GPs.

(c) Briefly discuss the compensation risk imposed on the sales team. Provide two suggestions on the sales rep’s compensation package to lower their compensation risk.                                   (10 marks)


The sales teams compensation is only linked to their sales commission. It can impose high compensation risk to them because: (5 marks)

1.   There are no bounds in commission, especially no base salary to maintain a certain level of compensation. In a bad year with no or low sales, the compensation to a sales rep       could be very low or even zero.

2. There is no consistency between years, which means the compensation to a sales rep      fluctuates with sales. The sales are often affected by factors out of the sales rep’s control (e.g., product quality, market sentiment, industry-level, macro-economy level factors).

To lower the sales reps compensation risk, the compensation package could have the following adjustments: (5 marks)

Set a bogey and/or cap in a sales target to reduce ex ante risk, because they impose bounds

on the sales reps commission.

Add a base salary to the package.

Use of relative performance evaluation reduces risk because the common risk faced by all

firms in the comparison group is filtered out. Thus, a sales rep may be compensated even if sales outcomes are poor, if his/her performance was not as poor as the industry average.

    Engage a compensation advisor to assess the sales teams compensation because with industry

expertise the advisor is likely to consider exceptional or unexpected circumstances.


Accounting standard setters face a variety of tradeoffs in their standard setting projects. Discuss the main factors that are considered.


First, standard setters consider a relevance-reliability tradeoff in that they evaluate whether a new accounting standard improves investors decision making, while at the same time          considering enforceability/verifiability issues in the implementation of the new standard. (4 marks)

Second, they consider the costs arising from firms implementing the new standard into their accounting systems, and further the costs arising from investors having to change their        valuation models. (3 marks)


Consider two similarly sized companies, Zweek Limited and Yark Limited. Both are part of the information technology industry, both are growth firms, and both rely heavily on intangible assets. Further both 2021 financial reports suggest a similar ROA of 22 percent. However, a main difference is that Zweek naturally grew over time through investment, whereas Yark heavily engaged in mergers and acquisitions.

(a) Discuss, in your own words, how the shortcomings of current accounting standards, introducing the issue of nonrecognition of intangible assets, influences the interpretation of the ROAs and thus the comparability of the two firms. Further provide a statement on whether you think Zweek or Yark

is more profitable.                                                                                                                 (10 marks)


Since Zweek organically grew and invested in intangible assets (but had to record them as      operating expenses), whereas Yark undertook M&A and thus recognized intangibles through recording goodwill, Zweek likely suffers from a larger nonrecognition bias than Yark. That is the assets of Zweek are more understated as compared to Yark’s. (4 marks)

Since both are growth firms, this implies that Zweek must have increasingly invested in R&D and other intangibles. Assuming that margins on these investments are stable, this implies that Zweeks reported net income is likely more understated than Yark’s. (3 marks)

With the exception of very young firms, the denominator effect is typically dominant so that Zweeks ROA is overstated as compared to Yark’s. Therefore Yark is the more profitable    company. (3 marks)

(b) You are an analyst who values Zweek by applying a relative valuation approach using Yark as a benchmark. Discuss how the nonrecognition issue Zweek suffers from impact the valuation using (i)

the P/E ratio, (ii) the P/B ratio, and (iii) Enterprise Value/EBITDA as multiples.                (4 marks)


In Zweeks case, its net income, EBITDA, and the book value of equity are understated relative to Yark (2 marks). This implies that, while the multiples are unbiased, the multiplicator (net      income, EBITDA, BV of equity) is too low, implying a too low equity value for Zweek.(2 marks)

(c) Discuss one specific way to address the nonrecognition issue in the context of a relative valuation of Zweek. Further specify the assumptions under which such a model-guided approach to investing can lead to a profitable investment decision and whether these assumptions are fulfilled in this case.

(6 marks)