关键词 > 4QQMN506

4QQMN506: Programming for Accounting and Finance


4QQMN506: Programming for Accounting and Finance

Project 1: Independent Assignment Questions (15% Total Weight)

Independent Project1: Information


•  Start Date: 19th February 2021 09:00am.

•  End date: 5 th March 2021 10am.

Content covered:

•  Practical Python coding knowledge from lectures and tutorials Weeks 1 – 3.

General Expectations:

•  Expectation is to use good practice such as commenting and correct code formatting.

•  The program should work and display correct outputs.

Independent Project1: Submission


•  Assignment submissions are to be submitted on Cengage MindTap learning platform via the online platform.

•  Once your solutions are ready. You will only be allowed ONE SUBMIT on MindTap. Please Press Submit. Press Confirm.

•  Your MindTap registration must be with your registered university email address, full name and student ID.

•  It is strongly encouraged as first priority to submit directly on Cengage MindTap.

•  If you have difficulty accessing, registering or a technical issue with Cengage MindTap a secondary online submission link will be provided on KEATS.

•  Do not submit on both Cengage MindTap and KEATS

•  If you submit on KEATS only please use the cover sheet document provided, complete the cover sheet and on the pages following the cover sheet include a screenshot of your coding for each question.

•  Submissions made after the deadline are capped at the pass mark (40) if submitted within 24 hours; submissions made 24 hours or more after the deadline receive a zero mark.

•  Students affected by “recognisably disruptive or unexpected events beyond the student’s control that might have a significant and adverse impact on their academic performance” should submit a Mitigating Circumstances Form via Student Records no more than 7 days after the assessment deadline. IT issues are not usually grounds for mitigating circumstances.

•  Plan to submit well before the deadline – we recommend at least two hours before.

•  NOTE: You will receive an overall point score out of 100 straightaway on MindTap. This will not be the final mark for the project. Marks will be rescaled. The rescaled marks will be available on KEATS within four weeks of the deadline date.

Question1: (Worth 1/3rd of the marks for this project)

•  Write a program that takes as input a number of kilometres and prints the corresponding number of nautical miles.

Use the following approximations:

•  A kilometre represents 1/10,000 of the distance between the North Pole and the equator.

•  There are 90 degrees, containing 60 minutes of arc each, between the North Pole and the equator.

•  A nautical mile is 1 minute of an arc.

An example of the program input and output is shown below:

•  Enter the number of kilometres: 100

•  The number of nautical miles is 54

•  Note: The program should output a sentence structure like the one shown above.

Question2: (Worth 2/3rds of the marks for this project)

•  A standard science experiment is to drop a ball and see how high it bounces.

•  Once the “bounciness” of the ball has been determined, the ratio gives a bounciness index.

•  For example, if a ball dropped from a height of 10 feet bounces 6 feet high, the index is 0.6, and the total distance travelled by the ball is 16 feet after one bounce. If the ball were to continue bouncing, the distance after two bounces would be 10 ft + 6 ft +6 ft + 3.6 ft = 25.6 ft.

•  Note that the distance travelled for each successive bounce is the distance to the floor plus 0.6 of that distance as the ball comes back up.

Write a program that lets the user enters the:

•  initial height from which the ball is dropped

•  the bounciness index

•  the number of times the ball is allowed to continue bouncing

•  Output should be the total distance travelled by the ball.

Below is an example of the program input and output:

•  Enter the height from which the ball is dropped: 25

•  Enter the bounciness index of the ball: .5

•  Enter the number of times the ball is allowed to continue bouncing: 3

•  Total distance travelled is: 65.625 units.