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CS 350 Assignment 3: Computability and Complexity 2022


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Computer Science 350 (2022)

Assignment 3: Computability and Complexity


1.  Question 1

(a) Dene the notion of Turing-recognisable (computably enumerable) language

over the alphabet {a, b}.

(b) Construct the largest Turing-recognisable language, if it exists. Justify your answer.

(c) Construct the smallest infinite Turing-recognisable language, if it exists. Justify your answer.

2. For each N > 0 consider the language XN  = {〈M| M has more than N states}.

a) Does there exist N such that XN  satises all hypotheses of Rice’s Theorem? Justify your answer.

b) Does there exist N such that XN is undecidable? Justify your answer.

c) Can you obtain your answer to b) using Rice’s Theorem? Justify your answer.

3. Let X = {2n + 1 | n ≥ 0} and Y = {n11  | n ≥ 0}.

a) Let g(x) = x11 . Is X m-reducible to Y via g?

b) Construct a computable function f  g such that X is m-reducible to Y via the function f and prove that          it has the required property.