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FNCE90086 BEHAVIOURAL FINANCE Individual Assignment 2


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Individual Assignment 2


Fit the exponential and the quasi-hyperbolic discounting models to the intertemporal choice data and discuss the results.

The data is available on LMS (Modules à Assignments à data_InterTemporalChoice.csv). The data was obtained from an experiment in which participants repeatedly make               intertemporal choices between $20 (now) and a delayed-reward option (see                        https://forms.gle/cunxp1NT1gSdS27r5 for details). The data contains the three variables.

-    mag: reward magnitude of the delayed-reward option ($).

-    delay: reward delay of the delayed-reward option (days).

-    choice: 0 for $20 (now); and 1 for the delayed-reward option.

Added (10/05/): You are NOT allowed to copy texts, equations, and figures from the lecture slides (see the lecture slide for week 12 for details).

Added (22/05/): You can assume the non-discounted utility function as the identity function (see the lecture slide for week 12 for details).


1.   Cover page:

-    Provide the relevant information: full name, student number, subject code and name, due date and assignment name. If you do not include these details, we cannot mark your       assignment.

2.   Introduction

-    Describe intertemporal choice and its time-inconsistency’.

-    Describe the exponential and the quasi-hyperbolic discounting models and their relationship with the time-inconsistency of intertemporal choice.

3.   Methods

-    Describe the experimental design and data analysis.

-    Describe the results (i.e., visualise the data, report the relevant descriptive statistics and the model-fitting results, and so on).

-    Discuss interpretations, implications, and limitations of the results.

5.   References:

-    You must cite relevant articles and other sources using the APA referencing system (see Subject Guide for further information).

6.  Appendix

-    The Appendix section is NOT included in the word length.

-    R code used in the data analysis must be attached (please do not copy and paste the R code in Methods).

-    For readability of the code, add relevant comments to the R code.

NOTE: You may include tables and figures. The word length does NOT include the tables, the figures, the cover page, the references, or the appendix.


You will be assessed using the following criteria:

-    Appropriately addressing all the essay questions using own words: 50%,

-    Quality of discussion/explanation (e.g., clarity of the description, flow of the logic, written expression, grammar, and spelling): 45%,

-    Structure and format: 5%.