关键词 > Python代写

Python assignment


Given a portion of a program, you will fill in the necessary lines of code to complete a login system for a new account.
The Problem
Your boss has assigned you the task to complete a login system for the your company’s clients. It is not yet complete, and the employee responsible has been pushed onto a different project. You will be given a skeleton for the entire program and must fill in the missing sections of code so that the system functions as intended. You will need to complete several functionalities within the login system by either “completing the instruction” or filling in a missing block of code.
Trace the given .py file in order to understand how the program works before writing any code. It will make this homework much easier if you understand it.

The following example demonstrates the expected output from running your program. Note that this is only a sample test case. A score of 0 will be given if your program is either: hardcoded values for any variables, a series of “print” functions simulating the expected output, or if your program doesn’t run. Your program should be able to handle ANY possible input (we should not be able to break the program with unexpected input). 

Be sure to also include your name, the program’s name, the course number and semester, and a short description of the program at the top of your assignment.

Sample Output

Once you’ve created an account, you’ll be prompted to sign in using the credentials you’ve entered. Note the user only has 3 attempts to sign in correctly.

Choosing option 1 will prompt the user to change their username. Once completed, it’ll return the user to the main menu with the updated username.

Choosing option 2 will prompt the user to change their password. Once completed, it’ll return the user to the main menu with the updated password.

At the main menu, pressing any key other than 1 or 2 will sign the user out. If the user would like to sign back in, they would need to use their most recent credentials.

What to submit
Turn in your Lastname_Firstname_PA2.py file through the assignment link on Blackboard. No other files are needed. Points will be deducted if your file does not follow this convention.
Additional Requirements
Your source code must run without errors in order to receive credit for this assignment. Make sure you run and test your code carefully before submitting. Add comments throughout your code that adequately describe what each section of the program is supposed to do.
If you have any questions, please ask on Piazza or visit a member of the COSC1306 team during office hours.