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CISS 290 C++ Programming Semester Summer 2022


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CISS 290 C++ Programming

Semester Summer 2022 - Section 320 (40429)

Course Description:

This course covers the features of the C++ programming language including class design and data structures.  A modern object-oriented approach is followed with regard to data strictures and their use in programing, unified around the notion of the Standard Template Library (STL) container classes.  Prerequisite:  CISS111.  So students should possess a strong fundamental knowledge of programming concepts and control structures.  Students will be introduced to C++ programming through a brief review of control structures.  Students will continue and build on problem solving techniques using structured programming in a comprehensive study of functions, arrays, pointers, classes, inheritance, dynamic data structures, and the STL.  STL containers, such as vectors and lists, iterators, and algorithms will be used to hold, organize, and process multiple objects.


Students are expected to log onto Blackboard each week to read the notes, do the lab exercises, take quizzes, follow the weeks to do list, complete the assignments, etc.  Students are responsible for all material, due dates, tests, assignments, instructions, etc. posted online.  Students are also responsible for all content and all requirements specified in this course and in the course material provided by the professor, including written, verbally, electronically, and in the course content.  All work handed in is expected to be each student's individual work, although in the regular work, getting needed assistance is acceptable.  Plagiarized work will not be accepted for points.  


Homework and computer assignments will be accepted late but a full letter grade will be deducted, plus two grades per week or corresponding points per part of a week.  Weekly work, including exercises, quizzes, discussion boards, etc. can usually be submitted up to one week late, while assignments can usually be submitted up to two weeks late.  All programs are expected to be properly documented and include the results of the assigned different runs of the program or points will be deducted.  All computer assignments must be neatly organized, labeled, and submitted in the assigned way.  Assignments will be graded on business criteria (follow program directions, does what supposed to do, efficient, easy to read and modify, no extra junk code, etc.) and education criteria (follow assignment directions, uses commands and procedures for that section, etc.).  Tests/quizzes may not be made up, unless previous special arrangements are made or in the case of an emergency.  If exceptions are granted, points will be deducted.  Students are expected to work outside class, as necessary, to complete their assignments.  Students are expected to complete their on-line assignments in a timely manner.


Your final grade will be calculated as follows:

Quizzes: 35%

Computer Assignments: 35%

Weekly online work and Exercises: 30%


A Z grade will be given to any student who does not log on to Blackboard or submit any work after the official course withdrawal deadline.


Students are expected to follow all policies and procedures set forth by the College and in the course material provided by the professor.  Course materials include the syllabus and all information provided by the professor at any time, verbally or in any traditional or electronic format (e.g. traditional and electronic information and correspondence).

CISS 290 Topics to be Covered/Tentative Schedule*** Bill Wohlleber








Behavioral Objective




Introduction to C++, Control Structures, Streams


Notes: 1,

Book: Chapters 1-5 on C++, Input/Output, and Control Structures


1 - Demonstrate proficiency in using C++Programming




Library Functions & User-Defined Functions


Notes: 2,

Book: 6 - Functions


2 - Demonstrate using and defining functions for reusable separate modules to a program




Arrays & Strings


Notes: 3,

Book: 8 - Arrays and Strings


3 - Demonstrate creating and using Arrays and Strings to hold and organize multiple pieces of data






Notes: 4,

Book: 12 - Pointers


4 - Demonstrate proficiency of topics covered

5 - Demonstrate use of reference variables, pointers to variables, and grouping variables together








5 - continued




Pointers, Files, Structures, C Programming


Notes: 4,

Book: 9 – Records/Structs and 12 - Pointers


5 - continued




Classes, Object Oriented Programming, Inheritance


Notes: 5,

Book: 10 - 12 - Classes, Inheritance


6 - Demonstrate defining Classes and creating New Types of Objects, then defining and creating Sub Class objects based off of Super Classes








6 - continued




Dynamic Data Structures and Standard Template Library


Notes: 6,

Book: 16, 17, 21 - Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, and The Standard Template Library


7 - Demonstrate use of Dynamic Data Structures in The Standard Template Library in collecting and organizing multiple objects and more effectively use resources, Designing our own Linked List – insert nodes, delete nodes, traverse nodes, implement as Abstract Data Types








7 - continued








7 - continued




Review & Final Quiz




8 - Demonstrate proficiency of topics covered