关键词 > SOC303

Lab 1 Summary Sheet



Lab 1 Summary Sheet

Please type your answers below. Then follow directions at the end of the Lab prompt to save your SPSS output content in this file, so that you can submit it (all as one file) on Titanium.

1. List the 5 variables you’ll be analyzing – provide a brief description and the level of measurement (you can’t always rely on the “measure” column in variable view of SPSS – take a look at the data, run the frequencies if necessary, and assess for yourself).

Variable                                                             Description                                                        Level of Measurement






2.  How do you think these variables might be interrelated? (Just guess!  There is no right or wrong.)

3.  In the lab you were asked to select all Measures of Central Tendency and Variability for analysis, but not all of these statistics make sense for all kinds of variables.  For each variable that you examined, outline which measures are appropriate and why.  Considering the appropriate measures, offer interpretation.  What can you tell about the skewness of your interval variable by examining the measures of central tendency? (hint: see pages 64 – 65 in your textbook.)(See example in Lab 1 Handout).

Variable 1: ______________________

a) List all appropriate measures of central tendency and variability and provide the values.

b) Offer Interpretation of at least one of these measures.

c) Is the distribution skewed?  If so, which way?

Variable 2: ______________________

a) List all appropriate measures of central tendency and variability and provide the values.

b) Offer Interpretation of at least one of these measures.

c) Is the distribution skewed?  If so, which way?

Variable 3:______________________________

a) List all appropriate measures of central tendency and variability and provide the values.

b) Offer Interpretation of at least one of these measures.

c) Is the distribution skewed?  If so, which way?

Variable 4: ______________________________

a) List all appropriate measures of central tendency and variability

b) Offer Interpretation of at least one of these measures.

c) Is the distribution skewed?  If so, which way?

Variable 5: ______________________________

a) List all appropriate measures of central tendency and variability

b) Offer Interpretation of at least one of these measures.

c) Is the distribution skewed?  If so, which way?

4.  For each variable tell me which type of chart you chose and why.

Variable                                                             Type of chart                                                        Why appropriate?






5.  Why is not appropriate to calculate Confidence Intervals for non-interval data?

6. For each of your interval variables, summarize and interpret the 95% and 99% confidence intervals.  (See example in Lab 1 Handout).