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ACF 5100 - Strategic Management Accounting 2022, Semester 1


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ACF 5100 - Strategic Management Accounting

2022, Semester 1

Individual Responsible Leadership Model

For your individual assignment, you are required to submit a reflective essay. In your write-up you should include the following requirements (in whichever order you believe is most logical):

1.   Define your purpose in life (“calling”). Your life’s purpose should be the meaning you attach to your life and associated with a higher level beyond your needs and is associated with maximizing community welfare. In articulating your life’s purpose you should discuss how you would be a responsible leader to benefit society.


2.   Articulate your vision of your futurethat is related to your purpose in life.


3.   Identify your core values that are tied to your purpose in life and vision of your future.


4.   Discuss key goals you will adopt to fulfill your life’s purpose and vision of your future.


5.   Identify your key stakeholders and discuss how they can help you attain your key goals and life’s purpose.


6.   Conduct a S.W.O.T. analysis on yourself. You should relate this analysis to your life’s

purpose and your key goals.


7.   Discuss your experiences pertaining to the current COVID- 19 pandemic, the measures you have taken or will take to be resilient amidst this crisis, and how you will become a better person (e.g., responsible leader) due to this crisis.


NB: You should NOT merely list the above in your essay. Instead you should include them in a       reflective manner to maximise your mark. The different items listed above should nicely weave into each other in a logical and compelling manner.


Formatting requirements for the report

While  the  above  requirements  impose  structure  into  your  write-up,  and  appear  analytical  and directive, you are required to reflect deeply on them, which should be evident from your writing. You will be penalised for poor writing.