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COMP30024 Artificial Intelligence Project Part A Searching 2022


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Project Part A


COMP30024 Artificial Intelligence



In this first part of the project, you will solve a simple search-based problem on the  Cachex  game board. Before you read this specification, please make sure you have carefully read the entire ‘Rules for the Game of Cachex’document1.  Although you won’t be writing an agent to play the game just yet, you should be aiming to get very familiar with the board layout and corresponding hex coordinate system.

The aims for Project Part A are for you and your project partner to (1) refresh and extend your Python programming skills, (2) explore some of the algorithms you have encountered in lectures, and (3) become more familiar with the  Cachex  task environment.  This is also a chance for you to develop fundamental Python tools for working with the game: Some of the functions and classes you create now may be helpful later (when you are building your full game-playing program for Part B of the project).

Path-finding on the  Cachex board

You will be given an already populated Cachex board of arbitrary size n, along with a start coordinate and a goal coordinate. The task is to find the lowest cost path from the start coordinate to the goal coordinate, while avoiding already-occupied cells. To compute this path you are asked to use an A* search and design an admissible heuristic to optimise its performance. There are a number of assumptions you should make:

1. The start and goal cells will always be unoccupied (but any other cells may be occupied).

2. All given cell coordinates will be within the bounds of a board of size n. More precisely, for any given cell coordinate (r,q), 0 ≤ r < n and 0 ≤ q < n. You may also assume n ≥ 1.

3. The cost of a path is defined as the number of cells that form a continuous path from the start cell to the goal cell (including these cells).2

4. If there is a tie, that is, multiple minimal paths of the same cost exist on the same board configuration, any such path is a valid solution.

5. There may not always be a valid path from the start cell to the goal cell.  It is possible for occupied cells to completely block all potential paths.

Your tasks

Firstly, you will design and implement a program that finds the lowest cost path on a given Cachex board. That is, given a starting board configuration, the program must find a minimal, ordered sequence of cells from the start cell to the goal cell. Secondly, you will write a brief report discussing and analysing the strategy your program uses to solve this search problem.  These tasks are described in detail in the following sections.

The program

You must create a program to solve this search problem in the form of a Python 3.6 module3   called search.     When executed, your program must read a JSON-formatted board configuration (along with a start  coordinate and a goal  coordinate), calculate a minimal sequence of cells denoting the lowest cost path, and print out this sequence of cells. The input and output format are specified below, along with the coordinate system we will use for both input and output.

Coordinate system

For input and output, we’ll index the board’s hexes with an axial coordinate system4.  In this system each hex is addressed by a row (r) and column (q) pair, as shown in Figure 1.

q  (column)

Figure 1:  The r and q axes, with (r,q) indices for all hexes (n = 5).

Input format

Your program must read a board configuration from a JSON-formatted file.  The name of the file will be given to your program as its first and only command-line argument.5  The JSON file will contain a single dictionary (JSON object) with the following four entries:

•  An entry with key "n" specifying the size of the board as an integer.

•  An entry with key "board" specifying the positions of occupied cells as a list of token descriptions (described below).

•  An entry with key "start" specifying the coordinate of the start cell as a list of the form  [r ,q].

•  An entry with key "goal" specifying the coordinate of the goal cell as a list of the form  [r ,q].

Each token description is a list of the form [s ,r ,q] where s is a string representing the token’s symbol ("r" for a Red player piece, "b" for a Blue player piece), and (r,q) are the axial coordinates of the token’s hex (see Figure 1). Note that the actual colour of a piece does not really matter for this part of the project, but of course, it eventually will for Part B when you are actually playing the game.

You may assume that (1) the input matches this format description exactly (we will not give you invalid JSON), (2) all coordinates are valid, as stated earlier (we will not give you coordinates outside of the board), and (3) there are no overlapping tokens (we will not give you a configuration with two tokens having the same coordinate).

Output format

Your program must print out the sequence of hex cell coordinates that form the lowest cost path from the start cell to the goal cell. More specifically, the cost of the solution sequence, and then the sequence itself, must be printed to standard output. The first line should be an integer denoting the cost, and subsequent lines should each be of the form  (r,q), denoting the ordered solution sequence of coordinates.  If there is no valid solution, you should simply output 0 with no subsequent lines.  You must not print anything to standard output other than what is described here!


"n":  5,

"board":  [

["b",  1,  0], ["b",  1,  1], ["b",  1,  3], ["b",  3,  2]


"start":  [4,  2],

"goal":  [0,  0]


(a)  An example input file.










(b)  Starting board and a solution.      (c)  Output for this solution.

The report

Finally, you must briefly discuss your approach to solving this problem in a separate file called report .pdf (to be submitted alongside your program). Your discussion should answer these three questions:

1. How did you implement the A* search? Discuss implementation details, including choice of relevant data structures, and analyse the time/space complexity of your solution.

2. What heuristic did you use and why? Show that it is admissible, and discuss the cost of computing the heuristic function, particularly in relation to the overall cost of the search.

3.  (Challenge .)  Suppose the search problem is extended such that you are allowed to use existing board pieces of a specific colour as part of your solution path at no cost. An optimal solution is now defined as a minimal subset of unoccupied cells that need to be ‘captured’ by this colour in order to form a continuous path from the start coordinate to the goal coordinate. How would you extend your current solution to handle this? Discuss whether the heuristic you used originally would still be admissible.

Your report can be written using any means but must be submitted as a PDF document.  Your report should be between 0.5 and 2 pages in length, and must not be longer than 2 pages (excluding references, if any).


Your team’s Project Part A submission will be assessed out of 8 marks, and contribute 8% to your final score for the subject. Of these 8 marks:

•  5  marks will be for the correctness of your program, based on running your program through a collection of automated test cases.   The first mark is earned by correctly following the input and output format requirements. The remaining four marks are available for passing the tests themselves.

The tests will run with Python  3.6 on the student  Unix  machines  (for example, dimefox6).  There will be a 30 seconds time limit per test case. Programs that do not run in this environment or do not complete within this time will be considered incorrect.

•  3 marks will be for the clarity and accuracy of the discussion in your report .pdf file, with 1 mark allocated to each of the three questions listed above. A mark will be deducted if the report is longer than 2 pages or not a PDF document.

Your program should use only  standard  Python  libraries, plus the optional third-party libraries NumPy and SciPy (these are the only libraries installed on dimefox). With acknowledgement, you may also include code from the AIMA textbook’s Python library, where it is compatible with Python 3.6 and the above limited dependencies.

Academic integrity

Unfortunately, we regularly detect and investigate potential academic misconduct and sometimes this leads to formal disciplinary action from the university.  Below are some guidelines on academic integrity for this project. Please refer to the university’s academic integrity website (academicintegrity.unimelb.edu.auor ask the teaching team, if you need further clarification.

1. You are encouraged to discuss ideas with your fellow students, but it is not acceptable to share code  between teams,  nor to  use  code  written  by  anyone  else.  Do not show your code to another team or ask to see another team’s code.

2. You are encouraged to use code-sharing/collaboration services, such as GitHub,  within  your team. However, you must ensure that your code is never visible to students outside your team . Set your online repository to private’mode, so that only your team members can access it.

3. You are encouraged to study additional resources to improve your Python skills. However, any code adapted or included from an external source must be clearly acknowledged . If you use code from a website, you should include a link to the source alongside the code.  When you submit your assignment, you are claiming that the work is your own, except where explicitly acknowledged.


One submission is required from each team. That is, one team member is responsible for submitting all of the necessary files that make up your team’s solution.

You must submit a single compressed archive file (e.g. a .zip or .tar .gz file) containing all files making up your solution via the Project Part A Submission’ item in the Assessments’section of the LMS. This compressed file should contain all Python files required to run your program, along with your report.

The submission deadline is 11:00PM on Tuesday the 5th  April, Melbourne time (AEST).

Note that we have changed the submission that was previously advertised in the lectures as 30th  March.

You may submit multiple times.  We will mark the latest submission made by either member of your team unless we are advised otherwise. You may submit late. Late submissions will incur a penalty of one mark per working day (or part thereof) late.


If you require an extension, please email the lecturers using the subject ‘COMP30024 Extension Request’ at the earliest possible opportunity. If you have a medical reason for your request, you will be asked to provide a medical certificate. Requests for extensions received after the deadline may be declined.