关键词 > Python代写

The game project


For this project, I want you to create another game. This time, there is going to be a little more restraints though.

The game you will make is kind of like the card game war, only with dice instead of cards. The user will input how many dice they are rolling, and the number of sides on the dice.

The player will start with a set amount of "money" (you can choose the amount).

You will choose an amount you are betting on the next play

You and a computer will both roll the amount of dice, and determine the winner (by sum of dice)

You will gain or lose the money bet

You will then choose to bet again or to cash out

The game will continue until you cash out or are bankrupt.

What you should include in your code:

A dice class which should include (you may include more than this list)

● constructor

● string magic method

● All Comparison magic methods (6 in total listing in slides)

● An add operation magic method (this may be useful in the next class)

● some way to roll it (this may be its own method or in the constructor)

A "Cup of Dice" class which should include (you may include more than this list)

● constructor

● A list of dice defined on creation

● string magic method

● All Comparison magic methods (6 in total listing in slides)

● Some way to roll all dice (this may be its own method or in the constructor)

A main method where that runs your game (you may have other methods as well)


Some Rubric (1)


Some Rubric (1)




  This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCoding Style

  Comments are used well to explain the code. Variables are named reasonably.

  Indentation matches expectations. Named constants are used instead of placing

  values directly into the code. Code is generally readable. Etc.

  7 pts

  Full Marks

  0 pts

  No Marks

  7 pts

  This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUploading To Git

  The project is uploaded correctly to your git repository

  3 pts

  Full Marks

  0 pts

  No Marks

  3 pts

  This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDice Class

  The dice class is created with constructor, string, and add

  8 pts

  Full Marks

  0 pts

  No Marks

  8 pts

  This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDice Comparisons

  The 6 Comparison Methods are included

  7 pts

  Full Marks

  0 pts

  No Marks

  7 pts

  This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCup of Dice Class

  The Cup of Dice Class is created with constructor and string method

  8 pts

  Full Marks

  0 pts

  No Marks

  8 pts

  This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCup of Dice Comparisons

  The 6 comparisons are included in the Cup of Dice Class

  7 pts

  Full Marks

  0 pts

  No Marks

  7 pts

  This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGame is Playable

  The Game is completely playable as descibed

  10 pts

  Full Marks

  0 pts

  No Marks

  10 pts

  Total Points: 50