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LIFS1901 2022 Spring 3


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LIFS1901 2022 Spring 3 (Self Material Production & Energy Acquisition by Living Things) Review Question Set

Multiple-Choice Questions (each worth 0.4% course assessment)

Choose the best answer for each question (circle the letter representing the answer).

1.    Which is the substrate for the enzyme shown?

E. None of the above

2.    Which organelle carries out photosynthesis?

A.  Chloroplast

B.  Golgi apparatus

C.  Endoplasmic reticulum

D.  Lysosome

E. Nucleus

3.    Which enzyme or group of enzyme(s) DOES NOT generate ATP or NADH?

A.  ATP synthase

B.  fermentation enzymes

C.  glycolysis enzymes

D.  Krebs cycle enzymes

E. pyruvate decarboxylation enzyme

4.    Which event happens in oxidative phosphorylation?

A. Generation of ATP

B. Generation of NADH

C. Generation of carbon dioxide

D. Generation of molecules composed of 2 or more carbon atoms other than ATP and NADH

E. None of the above

5.    Which is a reason for carrying out fermentation?

A. Generation of ATP

B. Generation of NAD+

C. Generation of carbon dioxide

D. Generation of molecules composed of 2 or more carbon atoms other than ATP and NADH

E. None of the above

6.    Which event DOES NOT happen in Krebs Cycle?

A. Generation of ATP

B. Generation of NADH

C. Generation of carbon dioxide

D. Generation of molecules composed of 2 or more carbon atoms other than ATP and NADH

E. None of the above

7.    Which event DOES NOT happen in glycolysis?

A. Generation of ATP

B. Generation of NADH

C. Generation of carbon dioxide

D. Generation of molecules composed of 2 or more carbon atoms other than ATP and NADH

E. None of the above

8.    Which is true?

A.  Some bacteria have chloroplasts.

B.  Bacteria cannot carry out photosynthesis.

C.  Some bacteria have mitochondria.

D.  Some bacteria carry out cellular respiration.

E. None of the above

9.    Which is NOT true?

A.  Chloroplasts can be found in plants.

B.  Chloroplasts can be found in algae.

C.  Photosynthesis can be carried out by plants.

D.  Photosynthesis can be carried out by algae.

E. None of the above

10.  Which is NOT a process in cellular respiration?

A.  Glycolysis

B.  Pyruvate decarboxylation

C.  Calvin cycle

D.  Oxidative phosphorylation

E. None of the above

Multiple-True/False Questions (each worth 0.8% course assessment)

For each question, judge the validity of each of the four branches A to D. For a branch that is  judged to be true orfalse, put a checkmark ✔” or a cross ✘” to the left of the branch. For a branch that you cannot make a judgement, leave its unmarked. 0.2% will be awarded towards or deductedfrom course assessment for a correct or incorrect judgement respectively. No       award towards or deduction from course assessment for an unmarked branch. Deduction will  not be carried over to other questions.

11.  Which is true about enzymes?

A. Most enzymes are proteins.

B. Enzymes constitute the transition states of reactions.

C. Enzymes constitute the products of reaction.

D. Enzymes increase the energy levels of transition states.

12.  Which is a correct statement about an enzyme and the reaction that it catalyzes?

A. A lactase catalyzes the synthesis of lactose.

B. A lipate catalyzes the degradation of lipids.

C. A proteinase catalyzes the degradation of proteins.

D. A glutamate synthase catalyzes the synthesis of glutamate.

13.  Which variable of an enzymatic reaction show a relation with reaction rate shown in the



A. Reactant concentration

B. Enzyme concentration

C. Temperature

D. pH

14.  Which is often true about a regulated biochemical pathway consisting of 3 enzymatic reactions?

A. The product of the first reaction is the reactant for the second reaction.

B. The product of the first reaction is the inhibitor for the third reaction.

C. The product of the third reaction is the reactant for the second reaction.

D. The product of the third reaction is the inhibitor for the first reaction.

15.  Which is true about the photosystem of a chloroplast?

A.  It contains a light harvesting pigment.

B.  It contains proteins.

C.  It generates ATP directly when it is shone upon by lights of appropriate wavelengths.

D.  It converts carbon dioxide to glucose directly when it is shone upon by lights of appropriate wavelengths.

16.  Which is generated during the light reaction of photosynthesis?

A. ATP [    ]

B. NADPH [    ]

C. glucose [    ]

D. oxygen [    ]

17.  Which is part of the dark reactions in photosynthesis?

A. Use of carbon dioxide as a reactant [    ]

B. Use of water as a reactant [    ]

C. Use of ATP as a reactant [    ]

D. Use of NADPH as a reactant [    ]

18.  Which event happens in photosynthesis?

A.  Transfer of electrons in the electron transport chain [    ]

B.  Pumping of hydrogen ions through a membrane [    ]

C.  The activity of ATP synthase [    ]

D.  Production of NADPH [    ]

19. Which process involves the electron transport chain?

A.  Light reactions in photosynthesis

B.  Dark reactions in photosynthesis

C.  Krebs cycle

D.  Oxidative phosphorylation

20.  Which process happens in mitochondria?

A.  Glycolysis

B.  Pyruvate decarboxylation

C.  Calvin cycle

D.  Oxidative phosphorylation

21.  Which event happens in both in photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

A.  Transfer of electrons in the electron transport chain

B.  Pumping of hydrogen ions through a membrane

C.  The activity of ATP synthase

D.  Conversion of a carbon-containing compound to another

22.  Which is a correct relationship between photosynthesis and respiration?

A.  They have the same reactants

B.  They have the same products

C.  They work together to recycle materials

D.  They work together to provide energy to all living things

23.  Which process CANNOT take place in the absence of oxygen?

A.  Fermentation

B.  Glycolysis

C.  Krebs cycle

D.  Oxidative phosphorylation

Answer Key

MCQs (Best Answer)

1.    D

2.    A

3.    B

4.    A

5.    B

6.    E

7.    C

8.    D

9.    E

10.  C

MTEQs (True Answers)

11.  A, B

12.  C, D

13.  C, D

14.  A, D

15.  A, B

16.  A, B, D

17.  A, C, D

18.  A, B, C, D

19.  A, D

20.  B, D

21.  A, B, C, D

22.  C, D

23.  C, D