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Online Cloud Storage Application


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Online Cloud Storage Application

In this assignment, you will create an application  in c”  programming  language that  lets  users download and upload files from and to an online cloud storage.


The assignment should be composed of two c files, “client.c” and “server.c” . Each of these two files will  be compiled separately, the compiled executables of each file will  be  named client” and “server” respectively. The client source code and executable should inside a folder named Client Domain”  while  the  server  source  code  and  executable  should  inside  a  folder  named Server Domain” . All of the client’s local files should be inside a folder named “Local Directory” which should be located inside the Client Domain” folder. Similarly, all files hosted on the cloud storage should be inside a folder named Remote Directory” which should be located inside the Server Domain” folder. Finally, everything (files and folders) should be inside a folder named “Assignment 5” . Please refer to the picture below to visualize the complete design of the files and folders structure of your assignment.

Note: inside the Assignment 5” folder, there will be a python file named auto_compile.py” which will be used to compile your client.c” and server.c” . Feel free to edit this file and include all the compile switches that you need.

Running the Application:

Running the server: first you need to run the server which will open a server TCP socket that listen for incoming client connections. The server port number should be 9999. The server IP address should be provided as an argument when you run the server such as:


Running the client : to ease testability and gradeability of your application, your client application will not take commands from the command-line input (the terminal).  Instead, your application should read all user commands from a text file. Your client application will expect this text file to be located in the Client Domain” folder and read the file name as an argument. Furthermore, your client application should receive the server IP address as a second argument. For example, if the user commands text file is named “user_commands.txt” and the server IP address is, then you should run the client executable as:

./client user_commands.txt

To support multi-threading: user of your application can start multiple clients to read or write to a file. A server starts a new thread to handle each successful client connection. You can test the         multi-clients behavior by starting clients on different terminals on the same machine.

[Terminal 1 on <usr>@openlab.ics.uci.edu]

./client user1_commands .txt

[Terminal 2 <usr>@openlab.ics.uci.edu]

./client user2_commands .txt

Note 1: when you submit your assignment, don’t include any user commands files. The graders will have their own test cases with their own command files.

Note 2: We highly advise you to start coding without multi-threading support first. Then update your code and implement the multi-threading aspect of it.

User Commands:

Your application should support seven different commands which are described below. These commands should be implemented in the client” code.

Running the client : when a  user starts the application, the following  message appears on the terminal “Welcome to ICS53 Online Cloud Storage.” and the prompt sign “> ” appears on a new line (note that there is a single space after the “> “ sign).

1- Pause <time>: as discussed before, your application should be able to handle multiple users at the same time. Since the user behavior is read from a file instead of taking user input in real-time, an entire scenario of a single user (a single text file of commands) would be executed in a fraction of a second. This behavior would make it difficult to test the concurrency aspects of multithreading in the code. Therefore, your code should support a very simple "pause 

2- append: the user can type append ” to start string appending mode on the file “file_name” located in the remote directory. If  is not found in the remote directory, the application prints File  could not be found in remote directory.” . Otherwise, the application enters appending mode and the prompt is changed from “> ” to Appending> “

In appending mode, the string entered by the user will be appended to the end of file_name.” Unless the string starts with close” or pause” . The close” command will close appending mode and return to the “> ” prompt. The pause” command takes one argument, the time in seconds, and pauses the program that amount of time.

For illustration only, red font is printed by the application, while green font is typed by the user.

Example : assume hello.txt” exists on remote server with the following one-line content of text : “ hello world” .

> append not_hello .txt

File [not_hello .txt] could not be found in remote directory .

> append hello .txt

Appending> more hello world

Appending> pause 10

Appending> close


On the remote server, the hello.txt file will have the following content:

hello world

more hello world

Note 1:  “close”  command  only works  in  appending  mode,  and  it  is  not  recognized  outside  of appending mode.

Note 2: intuitively, “append” should only work on file with ASCII-readable content such as “ .txt” . However, your code should not make this check and leave it up to the user to make such mistake.

3- upload : to upload a file from the local directory to the remote directory, the user types “upload <file_name>” . If the file doesnt exist in the users local directory, the application prints File could not be found in local directory.” . Otherwise, the application uploads the file from the users local folder to the remote folder via a TCP socket. Then the application prints a success message that indicates the file size as shown below.

Example : assume my_file.pdfis the only file exists in the users local directory:

> upload my_file .pfd

File [my_file .pfd] could not be found in local directory .

> upload my_file .pdf

12000 bytes uploaded successfully .


4- download: to download a file from the remote directory to the local directory, the user types download <file_name>” . If the file doesnt exist in the users remote directory on the server, the application prints File <file_name> could not be found in remote directory.” . Otherwise, the application downloads the file via a TCP socket from the users remote directory to the local directory. Then the application prints a success message that indicates the file size as shown below.

Example : assume my_picture.jpgis the only file exists in the remote directory:

> download my_picture .jpeg

File [my_picture .jpeg] could not be found in remote directory .

> download my_picture .jpg

23000 bytes downloaded successfully .


5- delete : the user can type delete ” command to delete  on the remote directory. If the file doesn’t exist in the remote directory on the server, the application prints File  could not be found in remote directory.” . Otherwise, the server deletes the file from the remote directory and the client terminal prints a success message.

Example : assume my_picture.jpgis the only file exists in the remote directory:

> delete my_picture .jpeg

File [my_picture .jpeg] could not be found in remote directory .

> delete my_picture .jpg

File deleted successfully .


Note: we assume that the user has a direct access to the files in the local directory. Therefore, “delete ” command is used only for deleting files on the remote directory.

6- syncheck : the  user  can type syncheck ”  command to get  a  short  report  about “file_name”, whether on the local or remote directory.

Example : assume the following four cases:

- file my_file.pdfonly exist in local directory.

- file my_picture.jpgonly exist in remote directory and in appending mode by some user.

- file my_report.csvexist in both local directory and remote directory.

- file my_notes.txt” exist in both local directory and remote directory, but the user has modified the file in the local directory after the user has uploaded the file.

The client terminal should print file size in both directories. If the file exists in remote directory, the terminal should also print sync status and lock status. The report format is shown below.

If there is a file that exist in both the local and the remote directories, and both files have same file name, then these two files are considered the same file. If these two files (that have the same file name) have different content, then the file is considered unsynced” (ex: “my_notes.txt”).

Example :

> syncheck my_file .pdf

Sync Check Report:

- Local Directory:

-- File Size: 6700 bytes .

> syncheck my_picture .jpg

Sync Check Report:

- Remote Directory:

-- File Size: 23000 bytes .

-- Sync Status: unsynced .

-- Lock Status: locked .

> syncheck my_report .csv

Sync Check Report:

- Local Directory:

-- File Size: 1200 bytes .

- Remote Directory:

-- File Size: 1200 bytes .

-- Sync Status: synced .

-- Lock Status: unlocked .

> syncheck my_notes .txt

Sync Check Report:

- Local Directory:

-- File Size: 13 bytes .

- Remote Directory:

-- File Size: 13 bytes .

-- Sync Status: unsynced .

-- Lock Status: unlocked .


Note: two files of the same name might have the same size but with different content. Therefore, the size of the file is not a reliable indicator of the file sync status. To check whether if two files with the same name are the same file, you can use the MD5 has function.

MD5 Hash Function:

MD5 is a well-known hash function that gives you a 16-bytes hash value for a file. If two files have the same hash, then these two files are exact copies of each other (have the same content). If there is even a single bit difference between the two files (even if they in the gigabytes of size), the hash values of these two files will be completely different. Note that MD5 will only consider the file content in computing the hash, not the name of the file.

You can download the implementation of the MD5 algorithm in c from Ronald Rivest webpage (the scientist who designed the MD5 algorithm) via the following link:


The code is straight forward and has the MDString” function to compute a hash for a string and the “MDFile” function to compute a hash of a file. You simply need to modify the “MDFile” function and make it return the hash instead of printing it in the terminal.

7- quit : the user can type quit” command to close the client socket then terminate the client application (but not the server). To quit the server, you should do ctrl+c” on the server terminal which would cause the server to close all active client sockets as well as the server socket, then terminate the server application.

Example (on the client terminal) :

> quit

$ # back to Linux prompt

Multithreading Synchronization:

To ensure the synchronization of files between the users, if a user opens a file in appending mode, no other user could issue "append" command on the same file, or any of the three commands that will be discussed next (download, upload, and delete). Therefore, "append" command should lock the file first before opening the file in appending mode. Any other users who try to download, upload, delete, or append the same file, their application should print the following error:

> append hello .txt

File [hello .txt] is currently locked by another user .


The lock of the file is released when the appending user exists appending mode by issuing the “close” command.