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FC712 Programming


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Programming Project



Assessment Instructions

What do you need to do for this assessment?

The Project assessment consists of 2 long programming tasks, one in Python and one in Python + Flask.

For each of the two tasks you must also write a short report with details of:

- The algorithm (pseudo code, flowchart or other recognised formats)

- A list of key variables, functions and data structures used in the program and how they are used

- Details of how you tested the program

- A summary of the software developed

Task 1:

In the first task of the project you are required to build a web form using FLASK and wtforms . The web   form should be a questionnaire for your courses to rate how well you have done in the course. The         questionnaire should contain questions about your name, GIC enrolment number, and email address,    each in a TextField with a label. It should also have various questions where you can write long answers in a TextAreaField, have Boolean answers in a BooleanField or have radio buttons in a RadioField. The form should have a submit button which when pressed should save the answers in a .txt file. You should use a template to design your webpage. You must comment well throughout your code.

Task 2:

In the second task of the project you are required to come up with your own Python project idea, produce a software engineering requirements document, for example a flowchart, build your software and             produce documentation for how your software works up to a maximum of 400 words.

You will find below a suggestion for what a project might look like. However, we would like you to     produce your own ideas so please do not use the idea below. More difficult ideas produced to a high standard will be marked higher than more simplistic ideas.

Minimum requirements:

you must comment well throughout your code,

you must have a graphical user interface,

you must make use of exception handling,

you must use a search/sort algorithm,

your project should be made up of functions, at least one of which must be a recursive function,  you should be using complex data structures, for example nested lists or lists of dictionaries, and you must have file input and output.

Example project for task 2

Dating agency application. A dating agency needs to be able to match potential couples together out of a list of clients. To do this they need a questionnaire form, the client’s answers to which should be stored in a text file. The programme should assess the answers to the questionnaires and find which clients have  similar answers to the questions in order to find potential matches.

Please note:

This is an individual assessment so you should not work with any other student.


Please include all code in .py, .txt and .html files

Additionally, you must have a report in a .docx file

Your report must include: Title page, contents page, page numbers and declaration of ownership

Section 1. 1: Task 1 Algorithm – The algorithm used expressed as a flowchart, pseudo code or other recognised nomenclature.

Section 1.2: Task 1 Technical Overview – A description of the key variables, functions and data structures used.

Section 1.3: Task 1 Testing – A description of how the program was tested. Include an overview of the methodology, test data, test tables and results.

Section 1.4: Task 1 Summary – a short (no more than one page) and accurate reflection of how well you think the solution works and what improvements are needed or could be made.

Section 2. 1: Task 2 Algorithm – The algorithm used expressed as a flowchart, pseudo code or other recognised nomenclature.

Section 2.2: Task 2 Technical Overview – A description of the key variables, functions and data structures used.

Section 2.3: Task 2 Testing – A description of how the program was tested. Include an overview of the methodology, test data, test tables and results.

Section 2.4: Task 2 Summary – a short (no more than one page) and accurate reflection of how well you think the solution works and what improvements are needed or could be made.

Section 3. 1: Task 1 code listing

Section 3.2: Task 2 code listing

Section 4: Reference