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Research Methods for Fashion Business (FU001849)


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Research Methods for Fashion Business (FU001849)

Title / Cover Page (not included in the word count)

    Course name, unit title, Student ID number, originality statement

    Chosen topic from options

   Your research question or statement as the title

   Accurate word count


An Abstract (not included in the word count but approximately 200 words)

   A summary of your topic, why it is relevant, your research gap, methodology, primary

research approach and findings including references if appropriate


Content's page (not included in the word count)

    Clearly list items / topics included and indicate page number on which they are in the report     List of tables

    List of figures

    NB: page one comes immediately after the contents page or the list of tables/illustrations.     Each section and sub section are numbered e.g., 1. Introduction 1.1, 1.2… .

Rationale / context for the research (300 words)

   An explanation of how and why you chose your research question

    Presentation of the current macro and micro-environment or future trends that justify the

proposal of the research topic and define your question


Literature review (700 words)

    Critical evaluation of key texts and studies that define, explore and evaluate what is

currently known about the topic as defined within the contextual framework

    This section should be split into three or four sub sections that each have a subtitle and are


    Each topic should be researched using secondary research (books, academic journals,

Mintel, journalism articles and other library databases) as appropriate


Aim and objectives for the research (200 words)

   Aim and objectives table, as developed in seminars

    Identification of the knowledge or research gap’ and opportunity

    The objectives (maximum 3) must relate clearly to the single aim

Methodology (500 words)

    Refer to the Research Onion’ (Thornhill, Lewis & Saunders 2019)                    Statement of top-line research philosophy, approach, strategy, data analysis     Ethical considerations

    Research design including quantitative survey and any qualitative ‘discussion guide’ or

interview template

    Sampling methodology

    Limitations should highlight any points that invalidate your findings


Research Findings (800 words)

    Primary research (including statistical analysis as appropriate)

    This section should include data analysis of your primary research

    Should be structured to show how you have answered your aims

    Discussion points linked to secondary research


Overall Conclusions & recommendations (500 words)

Sum up the key points from your findings

    This section should be used to bring the report to a close and confirm how the task has

been achieved

    Clearly demonstrate that you have answered your objectives

    Links to secondary research (literature review) must be included

    Suggest opportunities for further research


Appendices:  (no word count from this point forward)

    The appendix should contain supporting information for items/topics presented and

discussed in the report requiring further detail. This includes evidence of primary research undertaken to support the work such as questionnaire template and findings from all         research, SPSS statistical analysis data (if used), transcripts, visuals etc. and any other   research findings and a full bibliography. Ethics forms. And Consent Forms

Reference List:

A reference list itemising all sources cited in the report must be presented at the end of the report     The reference list should follow cite-them-right (Harvard Style formatting i.e., alphabetical

ascending order A to Z)